001. Snow - Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)

Mar 07, 2007 16:37

Title: Unexpected Fall
Prompt/Number: 001. Snow
Rating: PG
Character/Fandom: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Word Count: 513

One of the things that Hermione had to get used to when she moved to Colorado Springs after living the United Kingdom her entire life was that it could snow in March and April.

In the area of Scotland where Hogwarts had been located, the snow tended to confine itself to the months of November through February. So the Easter morning she woke up to find snow covering the grounds of Moonstar Academy, she had been rather gobsmacked. So had several of the younger students from the U.S. west coast and south who had remained at school during the holidays. Of course, that hadn't stopped most of them from having a snowball war with hastily built forts later that day.

Hermione had originally intended to spend the day in the library, either working or reading by the fire. But then Bucky had opened one of the windows, scooped up a handful of snow and dumped it on her. When she had gone to the window to close it, the joyful screeches of the students below had caught her attention, and she had stood there watching them play. Even the seniors were involved, most of them helping the sixth and seventh graders pelt the underclassmen. When one of the freshmen pulled out a wand, everyone turned their volleys on him before he could attempt to use it.

It all reminded her of the first few years at Hogwarts before everything had got difficult when Harry and Ron would goof off in the freshly fallen snow while she would nag them about getting to class. They would then try hitting her with snowballs, and she would use her wand to explode them while telling them to move their bums.

Of course, Snape would always look at them disapprovingly when they entered the Potions classroom with snow all over their robes before finding an excuse to deduct points from Gryffindor. And yet, they still always did the same thing. For the first few years at least.

Leaving the library after finally closing the window, Hermione headed to her rooms and found her winter robe. Once she had pulled it on, she went downstairs and outside, walking past the students, who stopped for a moment to watch her, no doubt wondering what she was doing.

She didn't stop until she was down the hill and out of sight, somewhere in the woods leading to Lunaston, the wizarding village that, like Moonstar, was hidden from the Muggle residents of Colorado Springs. Leaning down, she packed together a handful of snow, which she then threw up into the air. As it arced above her, she pulled out her wand and took aim.


A bright blue bolt of light streamed upward from her wand, hitting the snowball. A moment later, snow was falling on Hermione, covering her hair and robe. She shivered for a moment, almost half-expecting to hear Harry and Ron's laughter.

When it didn’t come, she found herself falling down onto her knees in the snow, suddenly missing her friends and everyone she had known quite terribly.

prompt response:hermioneg

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