[Backdated to Friday, April 16th]

Apr 19, 2010 22:26

Can someone tell me what this site is for, please? I wanted to figure it out for myself, but the stuff some people were saying was kind of...weird and not really clear.

Um. Thank you.

miles edgeworth

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tyki_tock April 20 2010, 16:03:01 UTC


Re: [Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:01:06 UTC
My name is Tyki Marquise. [He smirks and looks the boy over] And I haven't lied to you.

[He holds out a hand] Come. Let me show you something amazing.


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 23 2010, 06:04:45 UTC
[clearly spooked by Tyki, though whether it's his sudden appearance, his offer, or the fact that he's a stranger is unclear. Miles takes a hesitant step back, and his eyes dart to the side as though looking for guidance...or an escape route.]

No, thank you. I'm not supposed to leave here.


[Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:06:04 UTC
[A dark eyebrow arches and Tyki removes the cigarette from between his lips, a bit of ash falling to the floor]

Nervous, Miles? I promise to have you home in time for dinner.


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 23 2010, 06:12:16 UTC
[he shakes his head vehemently enough to be entirely unconvincing.] I'm not nervous. The police officer told me not to leave, I have to do what he says.

[his eyes light up as an idea suddenly occurs to him. with the painfully obvious nonchalance of an child who's inexperienced in lies and trying his best to tell a really good one] He'll be back soon too, I need to be here when he arrives.


Re: [Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:13:54 UTC
[Blinks] Police officer? What police officer?

[Then he grins] There is no police officer, is there. At least, if there is, he's long gone and not coming back.


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 23 2010, 06:18:31 UTC
[his eyes widen and he nods enthusiastically, though the gesture does little to hide the hint of fear in his voice.] No, there was an officer! I called the police when I woke up here. He came over and told me to stay here for a few days! He's been back a bunch of times, too!


[Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:30:50 UTC
[Tyki's smirk grows a little more sinful, almost malicious as it widens]

You're lying. That's not very nice.

[He moves, lightning fast, and swings Miles up over his shoulder in a fireman's carry]

Come along~


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 23 2010, 06:47:16 UTC
N-no, wait-- [the boy turns to run, but he doesn't get far before he's scooped up. he squawks with surprise and struggles to push himself up off the strange man's shoulder, heart pounding.]

I'm not lying! It's true! He was a detective, he had a badge and everything! And he said if I stayed here a few days everything would be okay. Really!

[he tries to look over his shoulder at the ominous door they're approaching. his eyes widen and his voice cracks slightly.] Please sir, I don't want to go. I want to stay here!


[Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:50:54 UTC
[A soft laugh] You'll be back soon, I promise. Don't be afraid, Miles.

[He steps through the doorway into a white city, alien and silent and sets the boy down on the ground again]

Now, if you want to live, stay close by me. There are monsters here who will kill you and eat your soul.


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 23 2010, 06:58:03 UTC
[his obvious relief at being set down is short-lived. while he doesn't give in to the childish instinct to cling to the hand of the only adult that could offer him any protection in this weird, apparently monster-filled place, he does inch closer to the man as he stares at the city around them, his gaze both frightened and awed.]

[in almost a whisper] What is this place?


Re: [Action Spam] tyki_tock April 23 2010, 06:59:48 UTC
[Tyki beams] This is Noah's Ark.


Re: [Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 24 2010, 03:07:37 UTC
[Miles turns his face up to the man, who towers above him at this proximity, and cocks his eyebrow skeptically in an unpracticed gesture that will someday be very familiar to anyone who knows him.]

This doesn't even look like an ark, let alone Noah's Ark.


Re: [Action Spam] tyki_tock April 24 2010, 03:36:20 UTC
[Tyki laughed aloud]

How many Arks have you ever been on? I guess you thought it was a boat, hmm? [He snorts] How could a boat hold two of every animal in the world, genius? This is a piece of ancient technology, and it is infinitely large inside. You see?


[Action Spam] his_fathers_son April 24 2010, 05:02:44 UTC
[he didn't, not exactly, but he didn't intend to let his companion know that.]

[his bottom lip sticks out a bit, half stubbornness, half petulance. mutters quietly] I didn't think it was an ordinary boat... [then dares another, more thorough look around.]

[the style of the buildings certainly looks ancient, to his inexperienced eye, but their walls gleam as if they were freshly built and painted. there's nothing he recognizes as technology anywhere in sight, ancient or otherwise, but whether it's science or magic, he has to admit what he's seeing seems all too real.]

[finally he looks back up at the man, his brows furrowed slightly in question.] It's built to carry things and...move them to different times and places? Like a space ship?


[Action Spam] tyki_tock April 24 2010, 15:20:19 UTC
[Tyki thinks about that for a moment, then beams] Yes, exactly like a space ship. In fact, this probably is a space ship, come to think of it.

[He suddenly turns to the side and moves towards another door, reaching for the knob] Ah, and here we are.


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