[Video forever] "They lied when they said that the good die young-"

Jan 14, 2010 23:55

[The camera turns on, but it's a slow fade in, rather than the usual image pop. You'd think that with the video opening up with this username, it's gonna be another derpy video post or a stupid question by the Blitzball dork himself. The kid's always curious, so he's always wondering what or who or something of that sort. Any minute now, it'll show him smiling and waving at the camera and ready to ask something-

Except that doesn't appear at all. Instead, all you see at first is fog, and then, as the camera moves forward, you can hear a chuckle come from somewhere. Moving in further, you notice that the
camera's recording from some sort of futuristic lounge, chairs everywhere, drapery stretched across the place, and everything looking overall elegant. It's definitely not any place you've seen before from Zanarkand, that's for sure. As the camera still keeps exploring, another chuckle is heard, and then a voice rings out, sounding a lot like Tidus. It's dual toned and mischievous, meaning something is very wrong.]

Over here, dipshit. I'm over here.

[There's a pause as the camera tries to figure where the sound came from. Another moment passes, the fog still thick and present, before you can hear him sigh.]

This way, dumbass. Shit, do you even know your left from your right? Not that fucking hard, stupid.

[A sudden change of direction in the fog, and this is what greets the camera.]

[He's grinning as the camera comes closer, and when it moves in, you can see the pair of yellow eyes Tidus has, not to mention the chains that are around his wrists and neck. Finally, he sighs and rolls his eyes, looking bored out of his mind.]

Yo, community. I'm bored, so where the fuck is my entertainment?

[He shifts in the chair, a grin spreading across his face and his eyes glowing almost mischievously.]

And don't give me any bullshit about me finding something for myself, because there's nothing to do here, other than watch the fog take over. So. Do yourselves a favor, and start thinking of stuff that's interesting. I'm waiting.

[[All replies video unless otherwise stated. Have at it. |D]]
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