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Comments 40

guardiancastiel May 6 2012, 06:46:02 UTC
I loved the episode. And I've never honestly thought there was something suspicious about Asami till I got into the LoK fandom XP

I can see why people think she's too nice to be "good", you know? Makes me think her father is Amon and she is spy or something. Who knows...I look forward to seeing how her character develops though.

I love Bolin. He's my favorite character out of the series. I truthfully thought Mako was going to be my favorite since I sort of saw him as a "Zuko" tyoe at first (Who was my favorite out of the Last Airbender series).

Sometimes I see the similarities between Bolin and Sokka, but only when it comes to comic relief. Idk, Bolin is just it for me <3

I don't want to say I ship Bolin and Korra, because I feel like it'll never happen in the show. I just Bolin to get everything his little heart desires :)

I'm glad pro-bending is a big part of the show right now <3 And I'm glad Korra has trouble airbending. I look forward to seeing her come together with that element and moving like a true airbender in the ( ... )


dralf_burns May 6 2012, 19:38:01 UTC
I don't think her father is Amon since Hiroshi Sato introduced himself as her father. Though I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that she's involved with Amon in some way. Or maybe she really is nice and all us fans are just being paranoid. Either way, I'm excited to see her character develop outside her relationship with Mako (which is largely all we've seen so far).

I love Bolin too though he's not my favorite. Korra is. I really just want Bolin to be happy, but I ship Makorra and so I'm not sure how to feel about it.

Pro-bending is a lot of fun to watch! I wonder if there'll be less of it after the tournament ends...


caterfree10 May 6 2012, 17:31:37 UTC
So am I and one of my friends on Tumblr the only two people who were sobbing along with Bolin or some shit? Everyone else I've seen talk about that part was laughing at the ridiculousness of Bolin's ugly sobbing, but we were crying our eyeballs out (photosets still manage to get me crying a bit too). idk, maybe we're just too invested in the characters or something. :/ Oh well, fuck the police, I found nothing humorous there because my heart was fucking breaking everywhere. B| And I'd been looking forward to the Makorra kiss too, but not under these circumstances. ;A;

And I just want to smack the fandom sometimes. Being attracted to two people at once is not automatically a bad thing. See, there's this thing called "polyamory" and it's totally cool so long as everyone involved in the relationship consents to it. Yeah, it'll never happen on a Nick show, but a girl can dream dammit. ;;


chickosaurusrex May 6 2012, 19:13:42 UTC
Everyone else I've seen talk about that part was laughing at the ridiculousness of Bolin's ugly sobbing, but we were crying our eyeballs out (photosets still manage to get me crying a bit too).

I was super sad about it too! Bolin is my favorite so far, and he was just so honest and upfront about his feelings, it was heartbreaking. :(

Being attracted to two people at once is not automatically a bad thing.



dralf_burns May 6 2012, 19:43:15 UTC
I wasn't sobbing, but I did feel really bad for Bolin when he started crying. I really wanted to give him lots of hugs in that moment. However, to me, it seemed like they were playing it as a funny and sad moment due to all the melodrama. Which annoyed me because I don't think a moment like that should be played as amusing in any way.

I was looking forwards to the Makorra kiss too, but when it happened and Bolin saw it, I wanted it to have never happened to spare Bolin the heartbreak.

Being attracted to two people at once is not automatically a bad thing.



kikkyo May 6 2012, 17:43:53 UTC
AHHHLASJFKAJ;AGHH BOLIN! OMG! "So I guess we're alone... together... in this room... two people... together... alone... together ( ... )


dralf_burns May 6 2012, 19:50:08 UTC
"So I guess we're alone... together... in this room... two people... together... alone... together..."Loved that line! Bolin's such a sweetie ( ... )


ext_1196361 May 6 2012, 18:45:10 UTC
I'm one of the peoPle who love the episode! I just saw the episode, and I am really pleased! Last week I saw the scene of Korra and Makko's kix, and I was just crazy to see that happening! I was sad for Bolin, I like him so much! He remember me (just a little) of Peeta, from "The Hunger Games". They're cute! I laugh a lot when he said: "She's cool, I'm cool, she's beautiful, I'm gorgeous!!!" I was like "WTH Bolin!"! He's not the perfect guy to her, but I would love to see a little romance between them! And Makko is such a idiot, he likes Korra, pleased do something about it?! lol. And that guy, Tahno, appeared I was like "Really? He's gay?". Come on, I was the only one who think he's such a sissy? ¬¬' The guy made me laugh when Naga showed up! I don't like him, I wanna see him down! lol.

Tenzin's family? Just amazing! I love his childrens and wife! And I want a Pabu too! He's so fluffy!! I like that Korra is a healer, just like Katara! I wanna see her in her spiritual moments, talking with Aang! And, great reveiw btw! XD


dralf_burns May 6 2012, 19:56:32 UTC
I was excited for the Makorra kiss, but then Bolin's heartbreak made me wish the kiss had never happened. Though I like Makorra, I really don't like heartbroken Bolin. I want him to be happy. And I loved that line of his about being gorgeous. So funny!

Mako's confused. He likes Asami and he likes Korra. I imagine going with Asami is much simpler; she's not a teammate (thus no drama spilling over into the arena) and his brother doesn't have a crush on her. Mako's not sure who he wants.

Tahno may be an egotistical, vain jerk, but the truth is that he does make for tough competition. The Wolfbats beat that other team really fast, not to mention that the other team was carried away in stretchers. I want the Fire Ferrets to take him down too, but it's not going to be easy.

Pabus for everyone! I can't wait for Korra to be more spiritual and speak with Aang. It's going to take some time since her spiritual side is not very strong, unlike Aang's. And thanks. :)


ext_1196361 May 6 2012, 21:31:50 UTC
Is just because she's to "Korra", and this way she left her spiritual side a little far... lol. I wanna see the fight FireFerretsxWolfats too! I just need to wait to see the episode with captions, I didn't get it some parts of the episode, and Tahno speaks in a hard way to understand... lol. Do you know if the next episode is going to be on next saturday? Bacause always when I'm seeing some cartoon, the show make a big hiatus. Young Justice was just like that, in the best part of the show, we have a hiatus ¬¬'. Fortunately both cartoons (Korra and YJ) are in the begining of the season, so we won't have hiatus for a while. :)


dralf_burns May 6 2012, 22:43:43 UTC
Yeah, there's going to be a new episode next Saturday. I hated the hiatus Young Justice took - it was such a long hiatus. Fortunately I don't think either show is taking a hiatus anytime soon.


chickosaurusrex May 6 2012, 20:30:08 UTC
This episode made my really sad. Bolin is my favorite character so far (he's reminds me of an Earthbender version of Sokka :P) and I felt sorry for him because he really wears his heart on his sleeve.

I'm also waiting to see Mako and Korra really sell me on their relationship. For now it's been all tell and no show; they talk about how they like the other person, but when they interact it's always with a lot of frustration, bickering, and what seems like a little bit of spite. I expect Mako/Korra is the end-game, so I am hoping to see their relationship evolve beyond "two hotties who argue a lot."

Overall this seemed like an episode that was setting up things to come. I'm interested to see the Fire Ferrets fight against Tahno's team. I think having Tahno around as a minor antagonist might be useful for the story, so Team Avatar can have some victories and team-building exercises that don't directly relate to Amon.


dralf_burns May 6 2012, 22:48:20 UTC
I felt so bad for Bolin in this episode. Pooy guy, liking a girl who doesn't like him back. Even though I like Makorra, I wanted the kiss to not have happened to spare Bolin the heartbreak.

I started liking Makorra in the third episode when they teamed up to find Bolin. They had some pleasant interactions there. Though I definitely hope their relationship gets more development.

I'm so excited to see the Fire Ferrets go against the Wolfbats. Tahno's team is an actual threat and the Fire Ferrets are going to have to work really hard to beat them. I'm looking forwards to them knocking Tahno off his pedestal.


chickosaurusrex May 7 2012, 04:58:57 UTC
Even though I like Makorra, I wanted the kiss to not have happened to spare Bolin the heartbreak.

I felt uncomfortable during the kiss because Korra knows Mako is going out with Asami. Call me old-fashioned, but it's just not kosher to kiss someone you know is with someone else, especially as they're talking about how they're feeling really confused. I know it was meant to show that Korra was just overjoyed at hearing Mako did like her, but it seemed not very nice. :(

Though I definitely hope their relationship gets more development.

I'm sure it will. :) The Last Airbender did a pretty good job of selling the canon relationships, so I imagine they'll put the effort in to show Korra and Mako interacting in a happy, loving way. I just would like to see more doing cool stuff together and less talking about how they like the other person.


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