The Legend of Korra S1 E5 Review

May 05, 2012 13:09

Oh my, that was an awkward episode.

And a very polarizing episode. From what I’ve heard, some people hate it and others adore it. I lie somewhere in the middle. It was a decent episode, but it also tended towards the melodramatic and it treated Bolin’s heartbreak like a joke. Not okay. But it also put all the relationship stuff on the surface. I would've prefered this episode later on, when we've seen the relationships between characters develop more, but I understand they had a limited number of episodes. Anyway, they're teenagers. They're not at war and so their feelings are going to come out a lot faster than in ATLA.

A note: If you’re going to comment here, leave your shipping wars at the door. Good, non-bashing discussion is welcome whatever your shipping preference. If you didn't like the episode, go ahead and state why. On to the rest of the review!

There’s a tangle of feelings here - Mako likes Korra, Korra likes Mako, Bolin likes Korra, Mako likes Asami, and Asami likes Mako. Damn. I still think I lean most towards Mako/Korra, but I’m certainly open to any of the other couples happening and being end-game. I’m also totally open to Korra staying single if that’s how it ends up.

Bolin/Korra: Bolin is very sweet. His gestures are adorable and those compliments to Korra were genuine and heartwarming. He really wants a relationship with her and he makes that very clear. The problem, however, is that Korra doesn’t like him that way (at least right now). Korra likes Bolin as a friend and it’s clear she has a lot of fun hanging out with him, but she doesn’t see him as a potential boyfriend. If they were to embark on a relationship, it would be wrong, what with Bolin’s serious feelings versus Korra’s just-friends attitude. It would lead to heartbreak just as their ill-advised date did.

Don’t get me wrong; that date was adorable. They had a lot of fun. They enjoy each other’s company and it’s sweet. Sadly they thought about it in different ways and I really wish Korra hadn’t agreed to go on the date. It would be a disservice to Bolin right now for Korra to begin a relationship with him and it would be a lie for Korra. I won’t ship them unless Korra develops genuine feelings for him which I don’t think is likely. Is it too much to ask for them to be best friends without romantic feelings in the way?

Mako/Asami: We didn’t see much between them in this episode. They continue to be the newly coupled teenage romance without deep emotions involved - though now we know Mako’s very confused about his relationship with her and his attraction for Korra. I think it’s easier for him to be with Asami because she’s not part of the team or Bolin’s crush. Also, I’m not sure if I found the scene where they touch noses at the beginning sweet or nauseating.

Mako/Korra: Wow, that scene where she admits her feelings and he turns her down - that was just so damn painful and awkward to watch. Korra’s candid and rash as usual in her confession and it hurts when Mako turns her down despite clearly liking her. He’s really confused, unsure if he wants Korra or Asami. It’s a contrast to Bolin who is positive that he likes Korra and wants to date her.

The scenes between Mako and Korra continue to be awkward with them arguing. It’s amusing to watch them butt heads, but at the same time, uncomfortable. And then they kiss! I didn’t see that coming and it made me grin and then freak out slightly when I thought about Bolin and then freak out a lot when it turned out Bolin had actually seen it and GAH! So many feelings about this.

When they ignore all the feelings and focus on their friendship, they make a splendid team. They all share this beautiful connection and it’s simply magical how well they move together. Of course, under the surface, with all those feelings, things aren’t simple and we see what those issues do to the team; first between Mako and Korra and then between all three. They can’t be mad at each other; it just doesn’t work if they want to win.

I love that Korra tried to make an inspirational speech even though neither Mako nor Bolin were inspired by it. It was beautiful and I just love Korra so much. She screws up a lot, but she always tries to make things better eventually. Her reconciliation with everyone was nice. It did come really quickly, but then again, Korra’s the type of person who tries to resolve things and after their humiliating performance in the tournament, it’s clear someone needs to make amends. I love that she thanks Asami (despite any feelings of jealousy), smoothes things over with Mako to make sure they’re still friends, and apologizes to Bolin for breaking his heart.

Despite the touching reconciliation, this isn’t the last we’ve seen of relationship drama. Love and heartbreak are a part of being a teenager and since they’re not at war, it’s natural that all these feelings would come bubbling to the surface so quickly. That’s what happens with teenagers.

Random Notes:

- Pabu <3 Can he please just be in every episode? He's adorable and he makes me laugh. I love his little squeaks, his disgruntlement over being washed, and then his chubbiness after eating too many noodles. I wish I had a Pabu.

-  Similarly, can Tenzin’s family be in every episode forever? I would watch a show solely focused on them and their antics and stories. Seriously. Jinora’s high romance was amusing; I love that she’s such a fangirl. Ikki was also amusing in the sheer impossibility of her romance. Forget moonlit dates with spaghetti; eating clouds is the way of true romance! xD I love Pema too. She makes a great mother figure to Korra even though her advice is what starts the awkward mess of the rest of the episode.

- Ick, Tahno. I don’t like him. He’s slimy and creepy and vain. His flirting with Korra made me squirm uncomfortably because ICK! Needless to say, I cheered when Korra whistled and Naga roared. Ha, take that, Tahno! However, I’m also quite pleased that he’s actually a threat - his team really is amazing so it’s not just him being egotistical for no reason.

- Anyone else notice Korra moving like an airbender in the arena? That was wonderful. She’s really improved since that first day. Now when will she start bending air?

- "The noodle-iest noodles!" That sounds like something Sokka would've said.

- Korra can heal! And she learned from Katara! This makes me very happy.

legend of korra, reviews: legend of korra

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