Absolutely Clueless [Balthier/Vaan, PG]

Sep 02, 2008 01:08

Title: Absolutely Clueless
Pairing: Balthier/Vaan
Written For: rainbowserenity, prompt: "Balthier, your gun keeps going off in the middle of the night."
Type: lol, mostly
Rating: PG

"Hey, Balthier?"

"..." Sigh. "Yes, Vaan?"

"Uh..." The blond toed the sand beneath his feet, looking suddenly scared that he'd brought the subject up at all. "Well, I hear noises... in the middle of the night... and last night I noticed you weren't asleep..."

"..." That was a very 'wtf' look right there. Of course, that was Balthier's default look when talking to the young sk- shit, he wasn't a sky pirate yet, far from it. Kid. Child. Orphan. Oh hell. "...I can't sleep sometimes, so I go and shoot some targets. It helps my aim. Why, am I keeping you up?" Oh god, there was so much innuendo there. He just prayed Vaan would be too stupid to notice it.

"No!" Vaan viciously backpedaled. "No, not at all! I was just - you know, worried, or something, I dunno, well maybe, keeping me up I mean, but it's like, it's not the noise that bothers me?" This is my questioning face?

Balthier raised an eyebrow, surprised. "It's not?"

"Well, you know how we all snuggle together for warmth, cuz it gets cold on the desert at night..."

Well, 'snuggle' wasn't exactly the word he'd use.

"And I usually end up between you and Penelo... and, well, when you're gone..." He made a few vague hand motions, which also made Balthier think dirty things, though it was hard to find a time when Balthier wasn't thinking dirty things.

"...I'm sorry, I don't exactly -"

"IguessIjustmissyourwarmthonmybackoooookay I'm going now." Vaan smiled brightly, though falsely, and took off running, kicking up clouds of sand.

"..." Balthier stared after him, his face an unchanging eyebrow raise.

From behind him, there was a snort. "Please tell him already; he's getting on my nerves."

"Tell him what?" Honestly, he loved Fran dearly, but she could be ever so impossible sometimes.

"That you want him."

...She also had no breath to spare for subtlety, it seemed. Balthier opened his mouth, then closed it. And opened it again, to make some witty remark, surely.... and closed it.

She shook her head at him, and turned away. If he'd only just realized now, then it wasn't her fault for speeding up the inevitable. Because sometimes men could be awfully dense.

And no one knew men like Fran did.

balthier/vaan, fanfiction

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