Public Service Announcement

May 03, 2006 13:51

kallie_kat just asked me to let everyone know that she will be MIA for the next few days. She sent me the following email, from work, explaining her internet problems:

I came home last night to a dead modem. It seems to be getting power, but no signal from the phone. The "help" desk at earthlink was no help at all--I spent more time dealing with the ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

velvetwhip May 3 2006, 18:11:31 UTC
That SUCKS!!! Poor Kat! I hope she gets an English-speaking person soon and that her problem gets fixed! That is just horrible!



dragonydreams May 3 2006, 18:34:32 UTC
I hope she figures it out soon too. It's awful being without internet at home!


velvetwhip May 3 2006, 19:05:19 UTC
I agree! That's just terrible! I sure hope things get resolved VERY soon!



cafedemonde May 3 2006, 18:14:34 UTC
Hi Elisabeth. Tell Kat that she does have a phone line associated with that DSL. The DSL product is nothing but a spliting of the single pairs that come into everyones home when they have phone service. They use one wire for voice and one for data (the dsl) and you are given spliters (or filters) so that you can plub into the modem with your data line and you phone with the voice line. This enables you to get voice calls while surfing the net with no noise or service interruptions. If the modem is not getting the DSL signal there are a number of reasons for this. Wiring in your home, a switch is malifunctioning in the Central office, the cable is bad or not connected correctly, you are not using a filter, etc. Getting a tech out is the best best. You DSL provider should have given you a dial up option as well for times like this so you may have some access. Also if she wants I can see how far she is from the Central office which can affect how much bandwidth of that possbile T1 you can use,m then the tech can tell you what ( ... )


dragonydreams May 3 2006, 18:38:09 UTC
Thanks for all the info Femail! I just copied your response and sent it to her work email.


cafedemonde May 3 2006, 18:49:15 UTC
welcome. How are you??


dragonydreams May 3 2006, 19:15:25 UTC
I'm doing okay. I seem to be in a constant game of catch-up lately that's been keeping me pretty quiet.

How are you doing?


(The comment has been removed)

dragonydreams May 3 2006, 18:38:22 UTC
Me too.


anonymous May 3 2006, 20:55:28 UTC
Ugh that stinks! The DSL peeps are usually hard to get ahold of. When I had problems with verizon it was like a half an hour each time before I finally got through to an operator.

Hope it gets fixed soon.


frellingtinked May 3 2006, 20:56:35 UTC
Must be that kinda day. I forgot to login too.

Brain fart.

(And if forgetting to log in wasn't bad enough, I originally signed this post with "Jane." wtf)


dragonydreams May 3 2006, 22:32:05 UTC
Kat uses Verizon too. She said she's had problems with them before. Hopefully she'll get someone better tonight.


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