Hope ain't blue, it's green

Apr 03, 2011 11:42

"Kyle Rayner, I was never more important than you. Did you think it was an accident that I granted you the last power ring? You were our best hope then, and you still are today. Now go!"

--> Ganthet, Green Lantern Corps #58

Don't get me wrong; I'm still concerned that my boy will bear the brunt of the latest ominous Lantern prophecy. Even so, the above line - spoken by Ganthet as Krona's thralls close in - gives me some hope. Not that DC will place Kyle's welfare above that of John Stewart, Guy Gardner or Hal Jordan, of course. Too many cash-cows to consider. No, hope that whatever Kyle endures in "War of the Green Lanterns" will have an actual story attached to it.

For years, GL head writer Geoff Johns has said Kyle was not selected at random (the original intent) but was chosen by Ganthet for a secret reason (a retcon, but a welcome one). The latest issue gives me hope that reason will finally come to light and, if Kyle is to lose his place in the Corps, it'll be another fitting installment in the character's overall arc. Like I've said for ages, I don't mind forward motion and change in comics provided it comes via the story, not an editorially-mandated hand-wave.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros showed footage from the Green Lantern movie at San Francisco's WonderCon this weekend. LJ and I watched it this morning. The kidlet loved it and is now hoping for a PG rating. "I really want to see that," she told me. "Even though it's Hal, it still looks really, really good. And who knows? Maybe it'll make me like Hal!" Stranger things have happened... the Iron Man movie helped me like Tony Stark after all these years, for example.

What do I think of it? Answering that question makes me sound like a whining, conflicted fanboy. Geoffrey Rush is a brilliant choice for Tomar Re; Mark Strong seems very, very wrong for Sinestro (especially his accent). Hal's suit looks better in motion than in photos; the ring projections look too gossamer and "stringy" for my liking. Oa shouldn't be so rough and primitive, Kilowog's redesign is lacking and the power batteries are just ugly. And the less said about Parallax and Hector Hammond, the better.

I doubt I'll rush out to see it. I honestly wonder how many will.

Greet the Fire as Your Friend,
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