Crossover Fic: Batman/Muppet Show

Nov 10, 2011 17:42

Written for beatrice_otter as part of a fandomaid auction! (And thank you for being so patient!)
Fandom: DC Comics /Muppet Show
Title: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse
Author: dragonbat2006
Words: 6935
Rating: PG
Pairings: Genfic
Summary: Batman’s hunt for two escaped criminals leads him somewhere he never expected to be; not even in his wildest nightmares.
Warnings/Spoilers: None

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muppets, batman, fanfiction, auctions

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Comments 6

darthbatgirl November 11 2011, 00:54:56 UTC
Greatest story ever! :D


dragonbat2006 November 11 2011, 07:56:34 UTC
*Blush* Glad you liked!


beatrice_otter November 11 2011, 02:54:51 UTC
If this were on Dreamwidth, I'd use my Miss Piggy Wonderwoman icon. I guess I'll just have to link it:

... )


dragonbat2006 November 11 2011, 08:00:19 UTC
You are most welcome!The first things that I knew were going into this fic were those two songs, and the Swedish Chef! I think the idea of using Scarface came after that...

Glad you enjoyed!


mithen November 11 2011, 11:21:14 UTC
Oh my God, I started laughing when I realized who it was Scarface had a crush on, and I didn't really stop. I could see the little trembling Muppet-fruit-bats staring up at Batman so pleadingly, the poor little things. :D And the image of Batman waltzing with Jan was really just wonderful. Like the Titans fic, you really captured the feel of a Muppet Show, the whole frenetic setup and craziness of it all. I loved every word and was sad when I knew the finale was coming up. This was great!


dragonbat2006 November 15 2011, 15:56:36 UTC
Awwww! Thank you! This was a bit more of a challenge, just because it was easy for me to see the TT--particularly the Silver Age or early 80s teams--getting booked on the show, just because they'd probably think it was fun. Batman... I couldn't picture it happening unless he had a better reason. And what would bring him to a theatre run by puppets...?

That did it. It started to take shape. I knew what Batman was going to sing. Piggy's opening number was a breeze. And I knew that the Swedish Chef was going to be in it this time. (Just took a few searches before I found the right recipe...).

Thank you for reading! Glad you liked!


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