I received a message this weekend indicating that one of my heraldry articles had been republished as part of an SCA wiki on heraldry. I don't think I have a problem with that in general terms. The HTML needs a little cleanup, I've been meaning to revise the article with better graphics (yeah, once it is published, there is little incentive to do
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Comments 5
As herveus noted, the site isn't an official SCA site (despite its branding that makes it look that way), but my blanket permission to publish covers anyone that wants to republish my SCA heraldry articles in an SCA context. However, wikis did not exist when I wrote that permission statement--which is why I am having marginal angst about it. :)
Looking at the wiki, I don't see anything beyond a link back to tripod that would imply that this article was not put there by the author. That's sloppy at best. Neither is there any explicit mention of copyright and permissions and all that.
At least you are being asked permission. I discovered my heraldic lessons being served up without my knowledge or permission; after some conversation, permission was granted.
At least they didn't try to pass the work off as someone else's.
I agree the publication is a little sloppy, but it looks like she is building the site as quickly as possible. I'd much rather she had taken the article from the ealdercote.org site since I did do a modicum of cleanup on it when I moved it. :) I think updating the link, adding my permission to publish statement and adding in the last revisions I made will cover it if I choose to allow the article to continue to be published in wiki form.
I'll also take this as a BIG hint to clean up the old tripod site.
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