Dragon Age II, Part 9: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2011 12:00

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SANCTUM AND HEALING (1/?) anonymous November 26 2011, 21:58:25 UTC
The amount of nervousness I am feeling at the moment cannot be expressed, so I will simply say thank you for the prompt, OP, and I hope that this suits! It has been a long, long while since I have filled a prompt on here, and I just hope that it pleases you, and that it does not get too long! (Though I can make no promises.) ♥ I sincerely hope that you enjoy!There were too many tentacles in the depths of Kal’Hirol ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (27/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:07:45 UTC
‘Never been better,’ Hawke replied. It spared Keran the trouble of having to reply, of having to be anything more than a collection of innocent looks and dreamy blue eyes. ‘Just thought we’d drop by for a visit. You know how I love Wildervale.’

‘The feeling is mutual, Hawke.’ Alain-pale gaze in a dark face-didn’t sound like he was lying, but there was apprehension in the set of his mouth nonetheless. He glanced past Hawke, over his shoulders to the city walls, then back to Hawke again, his smile growing more certain of itself. ‘We’ll have your rooms set up for you, of course. It seems like everyone’s dropping by for a visit these days.’

‘That’s because it’s the perfect season for it,’ Hawke said. ‘Just after the sweltering heat, and just before the miserable ice. Wouldn’t miss it for the world ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (28/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:08:58 UTC
The others were apparently used to it and indulged in their petty conversations accordingly: Paxley and Keran chatting about the weather and some lass named Ruvena-who was doing well now that Paxley was looking after the children more often these days-Fenris silent and wary, Varric whistling, Alain explaining to Hawke the provisions that were set up for that winter and what news they had from the other side of the Vimmark Mountains ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (29/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:10:20 UTC
This statue was the sort Anders never saw: a mage who wasn’t chained or beset by demons or grimacing in dire warning. He held a staff in his right hand while his left was outstretched in a gesture of peace, and there was something ticklishly familiar about the shape of his long nose, the quirk of his thin mouth, the clever wrinkles carved at the corners of his eyes-lending a touch of mirth but also a weary quality to the statue’s face. Someone had gone to a great deal of trouble in detailing the fall of his hair, gathered into a half-ponytail that resembled Varric’s style, and the bronze stubble littering the set curve of his jaw. The fading sunlight glanced off the man’s pauldrons, a trick that almost made it seem as though the feathers were ruffling in the breeze ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:12:31 UTC
A man could be a healer all he liked and still lose people long after the final weapon fell; a man could save Vigil’s Keep practically single-handed and hear songs about himself in his favorite taproom for weeks after, and still be relegated to broodmother duty, knowing full well the songs weren’t really about him after all.

They were about an idea, someone else’s impression, the figureheads people needed in order to convince themselves certain sacrifices were worthwhile. But Anders wasn’t an ideal, just a mage-and a warden, and a person somewhere beneath that.

On a good day, he liked to believe he was more than the sum of his whats, something that made him a who‘Seeker seeker seeker!’ one of the children laughed, running past Anders so quickly he nearly tripped over her. Keran held him steady and the cowl almost slid loose before Anders managed to catch it, keeping his long nose covered by rich cotton and deep shadow ( ... )


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 23:06:11 UTC
Everything about this fic is gorgeous and very softly heartbreaking.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 23:47:31 UTC
DOOD U r torturing me with this slow, awesome.buildup! Masterfully. Done but boo I have to wait for another update! Awesome!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 1 2011, 05:32:12 UTC
Maker, I don't even know when to start! You build the tension masterfully, writer!anon! I can't wait to know more about what happened in this world! So many questions are still unanswered...


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 1 2011, 17:31:52 UTC
This fic is awesome, amazing!
But with each update I have a feeling that soon I will be crying. This story is so full of emotions!


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 1 2011, 23:27:45 UTC
Gaah, I'm left speechless, I am in love with this story, this world, my beautiful DAA!Anders and YOU, a!a! I totally look forward for the continuation! <3


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 01:22:15 UTC
I just don't know how/why you could be nervous-your amazing talent outshines the sun. I love your writing so much I read every chapter here, then I go to read it again on AO3, and I would read it again if I knew another place to read it. In fact, I will read it all again right here when you post another chapter.

*Stands on a chair and shoots crazy out my eyes*

I will read ALL YOUR THINGS!

Ahem. That is to say, no need to be nervous.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 07:06:04 UTC
I agree with the anon above, you have a big talent, and your writing style is fantastic! I love your stories. I always wake up earlier so that I can read the updated story (in my country it's usually a late night when you post) before I go to work<3! I hope I don't sound here like a totally creepy person, but I usually can't wait to read the update when I know it was posted:)


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (29b/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 09:07:57 UTC
I wish I was coherent enough to say more, but all I can do right now is dream about this while I sleep. Everything is just so gorgeous I could cry. You always write the best stories. I'm in total awe with the worlds you construct. It makes me feel like I really am in another world experiencing the travails of life along with these people.


SANCTUM AND HEALING (30/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 22:02:38 UTC
Happy Friday! Hopefully December has been treating you well so far. ♥ I just want to thank you guys as always so much for reading and replying and assuaging the posting nerves. It makes me so incredibly happy to see that you're sticking with it and enjoying it and I just hope that you continue to do so, that I can continue to provide. Crossing all the things that you do! ♥ Thank you so much again and hopefully LJ will not be so very finicky that I will be able to post!Wildervale wasn’t the largest outpost imaginable; it had the sort of main thoroughfare that could be crossed at a brisk pace without breaking a sweat, comparable in size to the City of Amaranthine. To the north-east was the glittering promise of water, a sizeable lake rather than the vast expanse of the Waking Sea. It was better than being land-locked, an advantageous position for a fort-city; the keep at the center rose before them soon enough, intimidating as Anders always found them, made for barracks and bluff men and hard training ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (31/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 22:04:28 UTC
‘I’ll tell you as soon as he arrives,’ Alain finished, unlooping a key on a chain from around his throat and passing it into Hawke’s waiting grip. ‘If your…new companion would like a room of his own, somewhere he can find privacy and peace-’

‘Better that he stays with someone he knows,’ Hawke replied, unlocking the door and beckoning Anders inside, all swift movements easy and reliable and without a single tell for the lie. ‘For some of us, loneliness is the one thing we can’t abide by. After all he’s been through…’

‘Yes; of course.’ Alain lingered in the doorway. ‘Of course I understand. We’ll have the usual sent up?’

Hawke grinned, a tight thing, hardening his jaw instead of softening the corners of his eyes. ‘That Isabela,’ he said. ‘Always manages to smuggle Rivaini spirits in for me somehow, doesn’t she? Sometimes I think she can steer that ship just as easily over land as over water ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (32/?) anonymous December 2 2011, 22:05:51 UTC
‘Rivaini spirits,’ Alain said from the other side. He sounded slightly out of breath, as though he’d run downstairs to the cellar and back double-time, all so Hawke wouldn’t have to wait for this bit of indulgence. Anders still couldn’t understand why he’d decided to live in the mountains when there was a city full of people right here who treated him better than the King of the Free Marches. ‘I brought glasses this time. I thought, if your company wanted to share ( ... )


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