Dragon Age II, Part 9: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2011 12:00

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SANCTUM AND HEALING (1/?) anonymous November 26 2011, 21:58:25 UTC
The amount of nervousness I am feeling at the moment cannot be expressed, so I will simply say thank you for the prompt, OP, and I hope that this suits! It has been a long, long while since I have filled a prompt on here, and I just hope that it pleases you, and that it does not get too long! (Though I can make no promises.) ♥ I sincerely hope that you enjoy!There were too many tentacles in the depths of Kal’Hirol ( ... )


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 29 2011, 02:37:19 UTC
Oh, I'm enjoying this. I definitely want to see more of it.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 29 2011, 03:49:10 UTC
Passerby!Anon LOVES this with the fire of a thousand suns. Please don't stop.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 29 2011, 05:51:58 UTC
Maker, I'm so hooked. I SO look forward to the next part! Those two days will be looong


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 29 2011, 16:54:05 UTC
Beautiful story♥. And sad at the same time - poor Hawke. I really want to hug him...
I can't wait to see where this story is heading♥.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 03:43:42 UTC
This anon is convinced authoranon can do no wrong. Your stuff is godly and epic and holy crap your characterizations are always spot on. Older Hawke is becoming my favorite Hawke. Good to see Anders' witty sense of humor coming back! I missed him a lot.


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 05:57:43 UTC
Oh my, this is fantastic. Awakening!Anders meets Older!Hawke! And Maker knows this dark world needs him...

*waits for an update*


Re: SANCTUM AND HEALING (18b/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 20:56:17 UTC
Anders' interactions with everybody is just nothing short of WIN. Especially when he keeps insisting that he isn't a demon.

And Varric has stolen my heart <33

Can't wait for the next parts!


SANCTUM AND HEALING (19/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 21:59:06 UTC
I have a bit of a longer part (so sorry!) to post this time around so I will try not to talk here too much and use up space, except to say thank you guys so so so much for reading and for commenting as well! It means so very much to me and I just hope that you continue to enjoy the fill! ♥Camp was quiet when they returned, no fires lit, the sun sinking behind the high horizon. Making their way back in the dark was uncomfortable, blistered toes stubbed too many times to count, Anders hissing and wincing and cursing in the dark. They weren’t sheltered from the full force of the wind anymore, either, and the chill was almost as bad as the sound of tent flaps being snapped and blown about ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (20/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:00:02 UTC
His hands-previously locked behind his back for self-preservation-came forward of their own volition, taking Hawke’s thick wrist, fingers steady against the boiled bracer protecting the thin skin beneath. He had a few dark freckles on the inside of his arm, nestled snug against the ball of his thumb and the heel of his hand, before the skin was covered by stretches of tight-clinched leather. ‘Varric mentioned him again, before we went on our walk. I have an excellent memory, and I’m very nosy. It’s a dangerous combination. Are you impressed ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (21/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:00:59 UTC
‘It’s a tabby.’ Anders brushed its tiny head with the tip of his forefinger. ‘Do you know, I have a tabby. His name’s-’

‘If you’re hungry,’ Hawke said, turning away from him to shrug out of his pauldrons and drop down to his bed, ‘there’s food on the desk over there. Leave your staff where I can see it, and no sudden movements.’

‘Not even if I really like the chicken?’ Anders asked ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (22/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:02:17 UTC
Anders clambered on board in the back of the wagon where Hawke had left him, shouting a few last orders to Keran-who didn’t have the decency to look as sleepy or muzzy-headed as Anders felt. Then, he sat in his old position, head still swirling. He wasn’t ready to accept where he’d been brought, much less that it was time to move on. The quick pace gave him no chance to get settled, to recognize or contemplate or understand anything that was happening to him ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (23/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:03:36 UTC
‘Fenris likes to ride up front,’ Keran explained. ‘In case there’s trouble.’ He opened a faded gingham handkerchief on his lap with a red letter ‘M’ stitched into the white corner. Anders wondered who it had belonged to before him-or whether it was a gift from an illiterate relative. It housed a hard bit of bread with a lump of orange cheese, and it was the saddest breakfast Anders had ever seen.

‘That’s a little too conspicuous, isn’t it?’ Anders asked, rather than contemplate his future realities. ‘All those tattoos? He’s not exactly your average merchant’s wife-although I wouldn’t mind seeing him try on the dress.’

He had a giggle at that, though it withered in his throat when he realized no one else was joining in.

‘No one ever gets close enough to see the lyrium,’ Keran said, breaking off a piece of his stale roll. ‘He’s…very good at what he does.’

‘And Bianca’s safe as a newborn nug in her mother’s den.’ Varric hefted the weight of his enormous crossbow, cocking her sight in Anders’s direction. ‘Your concern’s been noted, ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (24/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:04:33 UTC
The people he was trapped with, this group of confused individuals living hard lives for no clear reason, hadn’t tried to kill him-and they’d had so many opportunities to shove him off a cliff-side or slit his throat in the night, to truss him up and leave him where they’d found him for wayward templars to find, or for birds of prey to pick out his eyes-but there were a few fates still worse than death. Anders knew that now, having seen what he’d seen, learned what he’d learned and lived what he’d lived: lightless days spent in damp tunnels, trawling the darkness not for hope or peace but for dire, deathly battle.

Broodmothers changed a man’s perspective on everything. They were worse than imagination could offer-and that implied there were other things out there possibly worse, dangers and fates more awful than slimy tentacles and the chitter-chatter and bite of childer teeth. Once a man came to talking darkspawn, flaming golems and possessed dragons made of bone, entire towns disappearing into the Fade and haunted by violent ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (25/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:05:48 UTC
He sounded distracted, and there was no wink following the gift, no satisfied leer like the Warden Commander would have offered-looking for thanks or a big to-do, something to pass the pleasant time between life-threatening jaunts into the Deep Roads or the Fade.

Anders didn’t know whether or not to thank him. He didn’t know if it was a gift at all or if Hawke even felt the cold, one bare arm pale and striped pink with healing sunburns up to the greave strapped at his elbow.

Varric was watching him-watching them-but he slung Bianca over his shoulder, squinting into the center of the city. ‘Good thinking, Hawke. As always.’

‘As always,’ Hawke agreed.

‘Well,’ Anders said, to be a part of the conversation at least in some small way. ‘Isn’t this…nice. Mage’s city, you say? I’ve always wanted to see one of those. Looks a bit dusty, though, doesn’t it? I was hoping there’d be, I don’t know, duels in the streets or dazzling spires.’

‘Wildervale.’ Varric sighed. ‘At least it’s not Cumberland-that’s what I always say.’

‘Every single ( ... )


SANCTUM AND HEALING (26/?) anonymous November 30 2011, 22:06:31 UTC
If Anders squinted, he could make out a few lonely soldiers on their patrols high above, like little toys in the distance, set up by a child to keep watch. What he’d imagined at first to be pikes looked more like staves as they came nearer, wrapped in leather with glinting metal tips or a gnarled ball of old root at the end, like the spell-bound off-shoot of a long-dead tree ( ... )


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