Dragon Age II, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Jun 01, 2011 12:00

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f!Hawke/Anders A Little White Lie anonymous April 23 2011, 09:18:14 UTC
Hawke is terrible when it comes to men. She fumbles, bumbles, and blurts out the most embarrassing things. Frustrated, Bethany confides in Isabela, telling her of all the past failed attempts at getting Hawke a special someone. Together, they devise a cunning plan. When the group bump into Anders he seems like the perfect target, Isabela promptly lets Hawke know that Anders is interested in men (fully knowing that he swings both ways), Karl being proof and their plan swings into action. Assuming that being interested in men means Anders isn't interested in women (she takes his flirts to be him just being friendly or something) , Hawke feels a lot more free to be her usual strange self. Until she finds out that Isabela wasn't entirely truthful.


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 4 2011, 12:09:33 UTC
OP again~

I just can't get over how cute Anders teaching Hawke how to play cards in such a friendly manner is. And Isabelas comment about deflowering Bethany XD Brilliant.

Bahaha, sounding like a brothel worker indeed.

This is turning out awesome author anon :D


Re: A Little White Lie (5/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 02:44:42 UTC
It's not entirely Hawke's fault; the flirt lines in this game are awful. I'm enjoying this like whoa!


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 13:33:46 UTC
“This staff looks really nice,” said Hawke. “Bethany, what do you think?”

Hawke, Bethany, and Isabela were in the Lowtown market, stocking up on supplies. Hawke was appraising a rather handsome staff. She ran a finger along the mahogany wood, admiring its smooth finish. She’d noticed that the staff Anders had been using was a bit worn down. He could probably use a replacement.

“It’s a good staff,” Bethany agreed.

“Do you think it’s nicer than the staff Anders has?”

Isabela chuckled. “Sweet thing, I’d bet that Anders’s staff is much nicer than that ( ... )


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 13:38:19 UTC
Sorry for the short update today, anons. I'm working fast and furiously on the next part. :)


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 22:26:36 UTC


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 7 2011, 15:57:12 UTC

Please continue dear author anon!


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 5 2011, 21:47:52 UTC
looking forward to more writer!anon :)


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 6 2011, 09:24:47 UTC
This story is hilarious & amazing! I can't wait for the next part!!


Re: A Little White Lie (6/?) anonymous May 6 2011, 10:46:37 UTC
OP here~

Hah, I knew Isabela wouldn't be able to resist the staff comment.Poor Hawke, I feel bad for her but it's for her own good.

Can't wait to see how things go next :D


Re: A Little White Lie (7/?) anonymous May 8 2011, 19:39:48 UTC
Hawke hesitated just outside Anders’s clinic. With one hand, she reached back and touched the new staff, which was strapped to her back next to her two-handed sword ( ... )


Re: A Little White Lie (8/?) anonymous May 8 2011, 19:52:47 UTC
Hawke smiled and started towards him. Realizing he was just standing there, staring at her like an idiot, he raised a hand in greeting and went to meet her ( ... )


Re: A Little White Lie (9/?) anonymous May 8 2011, 20:01:59 UTC

Hawke replayed the conversation in her head as she walked home.

I was wondering--is it true that Karl was your lover?

....Yes. Yes, it’s true.

Why didn’t you tell me? If I had known...

I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you myself. It’s just...I was afraid...He was afraid that she would be humiliated at having thrown herself at a man who wasn’t interested in women. She understood ( ... )


Re: A Little White Lie (9/?) anonymous May 8 2011, 23:29:17 UTC
Yaaayyyy!! Brilliant plan, brilliant writing- can't wait for more!


Re: A Little White Lie (9/?) anonymous May 9 2011, 03:11:42 UTC
This is... Too awesome for words!!


Re: A Little White Lie (9/?) anonymous May 9 2011, 22:40:41 UTC
MORE!!! SO GOOD! PLEASE MORE!!! *dances for fic*


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