Dragon Age II, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Jun 01, 2011 12:00

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1/? - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 11:30:49 UTC
A/N: ...Because you can't have too many Discworld crossovers, right? The rest of them are great, too, but it's a whole wide world out there! And turtles all the way down, or so they say.

The first thing he sees is the rictus grin of a skull in front of his face, blue flames burning away cheerily in its eye sockets. It's crazy, possibly mad to think that everything's over already, but even so he does have to say something. It seems to be expected, after all. So:

"Justice?" Anders asks.

I'm afraid not, the skull replies.

It's about then that he notices the rest of the body -- the rest of the skeleton that's attached to the skull he's talking to, and the scythe et. al.. If he wasn't mad already, then, Anders thinks, he's definitely gone at least slightly insane.

Good thing he's got experience with that, then. Mad Anders, joining the Grey Wardens because escaping from the Fereldan Circle seven times just wasn't enough for him ( ... )


2/? - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 11:32:01 UTC
There's a sound that might be a laugh and might be a sigh from the skeleton -- he's not even sure if it is a sound, since it seems as if he doesn't have any corporal ears to hear it with ( ... )


3/? - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 11:36:08 UTC
A/N: ANON IS MADE OF GLORIOUS STUPID and apparently those smallcaps span style tags work in the comment preview and in the reply to comment page but not in the comment itself. I don't even. Pft, knew I should've just capitalised everything and made my life easier. ): Sigh, well, on with the rest of this. I am brilliant indeed.


But he doesn't know what's there, he wants to say, or if there'd even be anything at the other side of the desert for someone like him. And though he doesn't remember everything, Anders is starting to become conscious of rather more than he'd like to recall and a good portion of that is making him feel distinctly uncomfortable with the only company he suspects he's going to have for a very long time -- or rather, himself.

His words die on his lips, though, because there's little point in speaking out loud when no one's listening to you.

There's not even Death now. It's just the desert.

---Anders isn't sure how long he's been walking ( ... )


4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 11:37:37 UTC
He's heard nothing else but the sound of his own breathing for however long it's been since that last disastrous attempt at speech that he half suspects he's going mad again when he realises that something else is moving out in the desert. Anders knows he's not so tired that he should stop just yet, so he slogs on.

Only to stop dead in his tracks when he hears something that's too familiar for his liking.

"You bastard," he says, "you wouldn'tBreaking into a run, he heads for an outcrop of rubble that's a short distance away. There'd always been items inside such small piles, he'd cracked a joke once that whoever was who kept leaving valuable amulets and belts around in rocks ought to have their heads and wallets checked by him but this time he simply crouches down before even reaching them and digs about in a pouch he hadn't realised he was carrying until now and takes out what's inside ( ... )


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 12:58:04 UTC
Author, it takes a lot to make this mouse tear up; by the end of this, I was crying happy tears.

I'm not familiar with Discworld, but the fills for this prompt made me curious, and yours sealed it. Thank you. :)


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 28 2011, 03:56:16 UTC
Haha, I'm glad(?) to hear that? Not that making someone tear up ought to be good...

If I could by any chance interest you in Discworld, or if this depiction of the afterlife might've caught your fancy, I'd like to suggest that you check out Small Gods. It's a good one, and pretty standalone.


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 29 2011, 05:06:53 UTC
It's a good thing. :) That one isn't available locally, so is the BBC radio serial (http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/smallgods/) a good adaptation? Otherwise i'll have to see if the Kindle version is available in my region.


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 14:34:22 UTC
;____; I have no words. Except those, obviously.


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 28 2011, 03:58:43 UTC
If those are tears, anon is kind of hoping they are happy ones...


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 14:39:00 UTC
This anon is familiar with Discworld and thought of Death's "There's no justice, just us," but didn't feel up to running with it. I am so, so, so happy that you did. This was lovely.


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 28 2011, 03:58:00 UTC
Haha, I was just kind of surprised no one else had done the whole 'DEAD PERSON MEETS DEATH THEY HAVE A CHAT OVER TEA' thing yet. I actually wasn't going to write this, seeing as how the prompt already had several other great fills, but it seemed like an interesting idea...


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 27 2011, 16:45:41 UTC
There are no words. There are no words.
I will love you forever and ever, anon. Forever and ever.


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 28 2011, 03:59:32 UTC
Thank you! I am glad that you seem to like it. It was a fun thing to write, even though I borked up the html... more than once... hahaha...


anonymous April 27 2011, 16:51:45 UTC
OP here. Oh, god, this fic made me wibble so so hard, especially with ser pounce-a-lot and the desert and just ;_;


anonymous April 28 2011, 04:01:40 UTC
Ahaha, I'm glad that it worked, I guess! I was honestly a little surprised no one else had done it before me, since there would've been so many opportunities. Random Lowtown Dog Lord + Death, Random Blood Mage + Death, Meredith or Orsino + Death, I actually considered all of those before finally settling on Anders, whom I felt cheated me out of a boss fight by just sitting there and taking it. ): What kind of resolution was that...


Re: 4/4 - Anders, Death, and how there's no Justice (it's just him) anonymous April 29 2011, 03:38:49 UTC


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