Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 4: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2010 12:00

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Dirt (Finally) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:29:14 UTC
So, many moons ago, a request was put up in the Awakenings meme and then later posted in part 3 that "Anders complains about the dirt when you go questing for Velanna. I want Nate to help him... enjoy the outdoors a little more. Please?" (Repost found here: http://dragonage-kink.livejournal.com/2508.html?thread=3292364#t3292364) To keep from digging around in both threads, now that I've finally finished it, here it be.


Dirt (1/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:30:09 UTC
"You have got to be kidding me!"

Anders looked from Velanna to Nathaniel to his commander, Xareth, trying to find the joke he was certain they were playing on him.

"Afraid not, Mage. Go pack up. I'll be waiting for you in the main hall." He didn't like the rogue's smirk one bit.

"But...but camping? Why? The Keep--"

"Need I remind you that I had to listen to your constant moaning the entire time we were in the Wending Woods?" Xareth arched a brow ( ... )


Re: Dirt (2/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:31:28 UTC
Their chosen campsite was close enough that they could retreat back to the Keep, should anything disastrous happen but far enough away that Nate would notice if he slipped off and tried to head back before their trip was concluded ( ... )


Re: Dirt (2.5/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:32:14 UTC
Unfortunately, fishing took a lot longer to net results than hunting for game would have. It was nearly dark by the time Nate declared that they had enough for a meal.

Sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees, Anders stared glumly into the fire. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

Nate chuckled. "You're only saying that because you're hungry. We'll get an earlier start tomorrow."

"Do you really think I can do this? Honestly ( ... )


Re: Dirt (3/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:33:57 UTC
Much to his chagrin, Nate not only bagged two hares but managed to fell a deer as well. Still, he had to admit, that hunt had been exhilarating. Even if he hadn't been the one doing the shooting, watching Nate stalk through the trees, lining up his shots had been a sight. It made him a little envious, that the rogue could move in silence as he did, barely shuffling the growth beneath his feet. Still, it only made him all the more determined to improve his own abilities. And in his robes, too. The threat from yesterday put it into his head to do this without having to change his preferred garments. Since he knew what to expect, he faired much better than the day before ( ... )


Re: Dirt (4/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:35:11 UTC
He knew, though, that if he didn't, he'd never hear the end of it from the other man. Letting out a sigh, Anders stripped out of his robes and folded them up on the bank. Wading in up to his calves, he shivered. The water was a far cry from the bathwater at the Keep. Not to mention he could feel stones beneath his feet as well as a water plant or two. Maker only knew what else was in there. In fact, this was the same place where Nate had caught the fish that they'd had for dinner ( ... )


Re: Dirt (5/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:37:43 UTC
Sucking in a breath that swelled his chest, he bent his knees and dropped himself under the water. Some of his air escaped, given that the change in temperature was a bit of a shock, but he seemed to be doing just fine. After a dozen or so heartbeats, his chest was starting to burn, so he pushed himself up, sucking in another breath of air as he relaxed. As soon as he did so, he was aware of the difference in temperature between the air and the water, it setting his teeth to chattering again. And feeling the drips from his hair running down his skin wasn't helping matters, either ( ... )


Re: Dirt (6/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:39:14 UTC
Anders could feel a flush coming to his cheeks, though Maker knew why. Yes, Nate had paid him a compliment, but why in the world was it making him feel that way? It had to be the kiss. He was still flushed from that, still trying to get over the fact that it had happened. That had to be it.

Not wanting Nate to see him like that, he put his attention back on the fire, hoping the glow would hide the redness of his cheeks, or at least give him an excuse for it. Given that the rogue had settled in his new spot, Anders kept shooting glances at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Do I make you that nervous?"

Maker, what was he? A child? This was Nate. His friend. His fellow Warden. Surely they could talk about this. They were both adults. They could discuss this like them ( ... )


Re: Dirt (7/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:40:21 UTC
Something...Something in the back of his mind knew what Nate was asking with that statement. He could feel the pleasant coil of tension he remembered during their kisses, almost feeling it now under the stare of those bright grey eyes. "You've certainly made for pleasant memories so far," he murmured, bringing a hand up to thread his fingers through still-damp hair. "I think," he took in a breath, swallowing before letting it out in a heavy sigh, "I think I'd like...more ( ... )


Re: Dirt (8/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:41:21 UTC
That stare held him pinned, even as he watched lips and tongue creeping further down until they met his sensitive flesh, his hips bucking involuntarily at the sudden heat he felt around it.

"Nate, what...Oh, Maker!" The questioning hum that interrupted him had him arching his back, head tipped, and eyes wide. He hadn't expected it to feel that good. And the more he took him in and the more he moved his tongue, the harder it was getting for him to think clearly. All he wanted was to feel more: more of the heat around him, more of that delicious pressure that was starting to make him squirm. The tension starting to coil in his body brought a degree of clarity with it. If Nate kept doing what he was doing ( ... )


Re: Dirt (9/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:43:11 UTC
Settling forward again, Anders focused his mind on Nate's hands, listening to his soft words of encouragement. He fought hard to control the twitch of his lower body, especially as he felt Nate's fingers massaging somewhere a little more intimate, gently stretching the tight muscles there. Feeling a slick finger made him jump, the result of that being Nate's other hand gripping at his hip ( ... )


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:43:52 UTC
Neither seemed inclined toward moving, so instead, they stretched out in front of the fire after shifting over just a little. Cuddling back to front, Anders let out a sigh, smiling at the feel of Nate nuzzling at the nape of his neck.

"I hate to admit it, but you were right. This trip has turned into something enjoyable for me after all."

He could feel the smile against his skin. "Mmm, and just think, we still have the rest of the week."

Twisting around, he met Nate's laugh with a kiss. "And am I looking forward to it," he replied with a chuckle. "Especially with you here to guide me."


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 05:07:48 UTC
Writeanon, I have had the day from hell and you've just helped improve it by 1000!! Passerby anon approves of the Nanders, oh yes she does :)


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 11:27:14 UTC
And the OP agrees! Nanders! Fuck yeah!


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 25 2011, 08:58:10 UTC
Glad I could make your day better, anon! Always glad to hear my writing's made someone happy.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous March 4 2011, 04:56:49 UTC
Oh damn, this has got to be one of the best Nanders fics I've read on here! Awesome, awesome job.

Writeanon if you're ever interested I would totally love to see a sequel of this--I'll even do a fill for you if it'll entice you to give us more!!


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