Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening, Part 4: Permanently Frozen

Dec 01, 2010 12:00

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Re: Dirt (6/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:39:14 UTC
Anders could feel a flush coming to his cheeks, though Maker knew why. Yes, Nate had paid him a compliment, but why in the world was it making him feel that way? It had to be the kiss. He was still flushed from that, still trying to get over the fact that it had happened. That had to be it.

Not wanting Nate to see him like that, he put his attention back on the fire, hoping the glow would hide the redness of his cheeks, or at least give him an excuse for it. Given that the rogue had settled in his new spot, Anders kept shooting glances at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Do I make you that nervous?"

Maker, what was he? A child? This was Nate. His friend. His fellow Warden. Surely they could talk about this. They were both adults. They could discuss this like them.

Licking his lips, Anders nodded slowly. "I suppose I'm nervous that you're going to try and kiss me again."

Nate shook his head. "Only if you wish it. I won't pursue," a pause, "this unless it's something that you want, Anders."

That got a soft chuckle out of him. "Hard to know if it's something I want if it's something I know so little about."

"There are ways to fix that, you know."

Anders winced. Though Nate's tone was teasing, he had invited that remark, hadn't he? "I just don't know," he admitted quietly.

Aside from another shiver, he held very still as Nate reached out, brushing his hair back behind his ear. From there, a light tickle of fingertips along his jaw and the line of his throat. The palm cupping his cheek seemed to settle there, as much to assure him as to tip his parted lips up to the gentle press of the other's kiss.

The flick of a tongue had him gasping, his own starting to duel with the invader that sought to deepen the gesture and from there, he felt himself being kissed...stealing his breath and stirring his body into a pleasant tightness. It was that realization that had him drawing back, panting, blinking Nate's face into focus as he gently shook his head.

"What is it?" He felt a finger brush along his cheek, making his eyes lid for a heartbeat.

Anders shook his head again. "I just can't believe I feel...that feels..." His gaze flicked up and for a second, he managed to catch the worry in the noble's expression. He hid it well, but his eyes could be especially telling. "I've just never felt like this toward another man before."

Nate chuckled. "Neither have I." Another chuckle as he caught the frown that statement caused. "You're the first in a very long time whose been more than just a whim, Anders. When Xareth got it in his head to send you on this little excursion, he didn't have to ask me twice to accompany you. I wanted time with you, without the others, to learn how you might feel." He gave him a crooked smile. "And if I could teach you a thing or two about surviving out here, I was willing to call that a victory, if nothing else."

"Well, you've accomplished that, at the very least." Flashing the other man a smile, he felt it fading as he dropped his gaze, studying his hands as he sought to make sense of the other half of Nate's plan.

Nate eased a little closer, resting a hand over top of Anders' folded ones and drawing the mage's attention to him once again. "I've been hoping to make this something that you enjoy, Anders. To give you something pleasant to think about when it came to being out here." He brought a hand up, tracing a finger along the blonde's jaw.

For the moment, he couldn't remember how to talk. Maker, why did he feel this way all of a sudden? They weren't bad feelings, which meant there was nothing wrong with feeling them, right? And he knew he could trust Nate, that this wasn't just a whim. Still, his own nerves were keeping him from simply agreeing with the rogue. "Well, you've made it memorable, I'll give you that." There was a waver in his chuckle that he knew he couldn't hide.

"Then I suppose the question now is how memorable you wish for me to make it."


Re: Dirt (7/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:40:21 UTC
Something...Something in the back of his mind knew what Nate was asking with that statement. He could feel the pleasant coil of tension he remembered during their kisses, almost feeling it now under the stare of those bright grey eyes. "You've certainly made for pleasant memories so far," he murmured, bringing a hand up to thread his fingers through still-damp hair. "I think," he took in a breath, swallowing before letting it out in a heavy sigh, "I think I'd like...more."

The smile that graced Nate's face actually made Anders' heart flutter. Bringing a hand up to mirror his own, Nate leaned closer, brushing another kiss against his lips, letting it build into something deeper as he drew the mage into his arms.

Shifting the two of them around, he encouraged Anders to straddle his legs, breaking the kiss for only a moment. What truly drew them apart was the blonde's gasp, glancing down as he felt the skim of a hand along the length of his thigh.

"You're not that virginal, are you, Mage?" Nate arched his brows, the tease quite clear in his voice.

"Just surprised. Your hands are cold," he lied. Of course he wasn't a virgin, but for Maker knew what reason, the thought of doing anything with Nate had a...newness to it.

"Mmm, I'll have to warm them up, then." Returning to their kiss, he could feel Nate slipping his hand around to his back, drawing them even closer together, rubbing there in a way that actually felt rather relaxing.

The longer they kissed, the more Nate's hands, and lips, started to roam. Not content with just kissing, he started working his way along Anders' jaw, nibbling at his ear and then down to his throat. Little nips and the stroke of his tongue sent lightning all through him, even making him whimper whenever Nate stopped.

"Feel good?" Nate murmured in his ear, a smile pulling at his lips.

Anders could only nod. This was not something he ever imagined himself doing, at least not with another man. And yet, he couldn't ignore the way Nate was making him feel, nor his body's craving for more. Tipping his head up, he leaned in, pressing a wanting kiss to the brunette's lips. A heartbeat later, he pulled back with a gasp, feeling the light brush of fingertips along his length.

"Still cold?" Nate chuckled.

Wide-eyed, Anders shook his head. "N-no. No."

"Good." Leaning in again, Nate caught his lips, teasing with his tongue the same time he began stroking , almost in time with the feel of the kiss.

Groaning at the feel of his partner's touch, Anders found himself starting to rock his hips, pressing himself into Nate's hand. A firmer grip and a quickened pace had him tipping his head back, feeling a flush creeping over his skin as he realized he was moaning Nate's name.

A tug distracted him and he blinked Nate back into focus. It took him a moment to realize the rogue was trying to hike up his robes.

"These. Off." The order was almost a growl.

Still not trusting his voice, Anders nodded, shifting enough so that he could pull the garment over his head. While he was doing so, he gasped, feeling the warmth of Nate's lips capturing one of his nipples. It stuttered his movements for a moment before he dropped the robes behind him, fingers sliding into tangled black locks.

"Move with me."

There was no stifling his groan as Nate stopped his attentions, guiding him first off of his lap and then urging him to stretch out onto his back. He welcomed the other's weight on top of him, finding himself parting his lips eagerly into their kisses.

His own breathing filled his ears as Nate started kissing lower. The tease of his tongue at first one nipple and then the other had him writhing as much as his resumed touch further down. Opening his eyes, he felt a hitch in his throat as he caught sight of Nate's silver-grey gaze, finding the desire there arousing. That he wanted him, it made his lower body coil even more than the firm grip sliding along his length.


Re: Dirt (8/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:41:21 UTC
That stare held him pinned, even as he watched lips and tongue creeping further down until they met his sensitive flesh, his hips bucking involuntarily at the sudden heat he felt around it.

"Nate, what...Oh, Maker!" The questioning hum that interrupted him had him arching his back, head tipped, and eyes wide. He hadn't expected it to feel that good. And the more he took him in and the more he moved his tongue, the harder it was getting for him to think clearly. All he wanted was to feel more: more of the heat around him, more of that delicious pressure that was starting to make him squirm. The tension starting to coil in his body brought a degree of clarity with it. If Nate kept doing what he was doing--

"Nate, stop. Stop," he panted. "I'm going to...I don't want..."

And just like that, the feelings went away. It was so sudden, he ached from the loss of it, unable to hold back the whimper that came with it.

"Not how you want to finish, Anders?" Nate was suddenly on top of him, body pressed close enough to pin Anders' shaft against his stomach. "Something else in mind?" He was definitely teasing him, no doubt about it.

Anders felt himself flush. "I didn't want to...you were..."

Nate shifted a little, making him groan, the feel of his clothes adding a strange sensation to the motion. "You've never been pleasured like this?"

"No. I...I mean, I have. I just...The thought of you..." Amid his babbling, he caught a flash of...sorrow?...in Nate's expression. "No. No." He brought a hand up, cupping his cheek. "I liked it. I did. I just...I didn't want to...didn't...Maker, this is embarrassing," he muttered.

Nate gave him a rather searching look. "Did you want me to stop because you would have--"

"Yes," he interrupted. Maker, again, were they children? Still, he couldn't even bring himself to let Nate say it. "I...The thought of you...doing...that. Of me..." He took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts, not an easy task, especially if either of them moved. "I think I...respect you too much to--what?"

Nate had started laughing, gently, but still laughing. He pressed his lips to Anders' forehead, tipping his head down to touch noses with him. "A true gentleman you are," he murmured. "Anders, if I didn't want to do that for you, do you really think I would have?"

He swallowed. "I...I don't know. People sometimes let themselves get carried away by the unexpected."

"Or by desire." Nate trailed a finger along his jaw.

"I couldn't help it. You felt amazing."

Both brows went up. "Amazing, hmm?"

Anders nodded. Taking a deep breath, he slid his fingers into Nate's hair again, drawing him into a kiss. There was a sharp taste in the rogue's mouth this time, surprising him, especially as he realized why, but he wanted this. He wanted Nate to know how good he had made--was making--him feel.

He felt Nate slowly drawing back, nuzzling his cheek as he did. "If you're so concerned for me, Anders, there's something else we can do. You'll just need to trust me, all right?"

That request was easy enough. "Something else?"

"Aye." Nate shifted his body to the side. "Roll over. And up on your knees."

Anders blinked. "On my...my knees?" Nodding slowly, he did as he was bid, scooting up to be more on all fours, looking at Nate over his shoulder. "Like this?"

The other man nodded. "Perfect," he smiled, moving closer and letting his hands massage Anders' back, relaxing him more and more, until they started moving lower.

Anders rocked a little on his knees. "Nate?"

"It'll feel good, Anders, I promise. But I want to make sure it doesn't hurt you. There'll be some pain. You're not used to this, after all, but I will do all I can to help you enjoy this."

He chuckled. "That's why you asked if I trusted you."

"And I'm happy you do." He leaned forward, meeting Anders' lips as he pushed himself up.


Re: Dirt (9/?) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:43:11 UTC
Settling forward again, Anders focused his mind on Nate's hands, listening to his soft words of encouragement. He fought hard to control the twitch of his lower body, especially as he felt Nate's fingers massaging somewhere a little more intimate, gently stretching the tight muscles there. Feeling a slick finger made him jump, the result of that being Nate's other hand gripping at his hip.

"Breathe deep, Anders. Nice and slow."

Forcing himself to calm down and listen to his partner, he nodded, though it was difficult to remember to do so at the first press of his finger inside of him. Thankfully, Nate was taking things slow, continuing the motions to help him relax and grow more comfortable rather than assuming he was fine with it immediately. In time, he did find himself rocking back the more accustomed he grew to the thrusts. He found himself gasping as a second finger stretched him further, the sensation almost regressing him to his initial feelings.

He could hear Nate whispering to him above the sound of his own breathing. Gentle, encouraging words that helped bleed some of his tension away. The motions felt good, the ache of it eventually giving way to feelings that were more pleasant, something that surprised him. Still, they weren't as intense as what he'd been doing. Something gentle, instead of getting carried away.

Slowly, he started rocking his body back again, seeing how it felt. Nate's hand moved opposite him, making a bit of friction that teased him some. As he pressed, it felt as if there were something Nate was pushing toward as well.

And then his fingers reached it, tightening Anders' lower body and making him gasp, a moan caught in his throat and coming out a croak. Maker, he forgot how to breathe. A second press had his upper body sagging and a third threw his head back as a deep sound finally pulled its way past his lips. He'd been nearly on edge before and now he felt painfully so. "Nate," he all but keened his name.

The touch eased off, the sparks clearing from his vision, but the ache remained. "Go on, Anders. You know what your body wants."

Bracing himself on an elbow, he brought his free hand up, wrapping it around his length, seeking to ease the tension there. At the same time, though, he could feel the motions of Nate's hand again, adding to the sensation and just shy of teasing him again.

"Don't. I won't...I won't last."

"I know." Nate's voice was near a purr. "I want to help bring you over."

There was a change in his pace, still steady, but not as smooth. Hazarding a look, Anders found out why. Nate had worked himself free of his breeches and was using his off-hand to stroke himself.

"Nate, you--"

A tight smile pulled at his lips. "You're not ready for more." He shook his head. "But you're a damn fine sight, especially calling my name."

Biting his lower lip, Anders flashed Nate a smile of his own. "Then make me." He turned back, letting his head sag as his partner took up the challenge of those words.

Between Nate's attention and his own, it wasn't long before he was crying out again, begging Nate and the Maker for his release. When he fully climaxed, it was the rogue's name on his lips, murmured over and over as he fought to catch his breath. Hearing a groan behind him, he turned, watching the pleasured expression on Nate's face before his body shuddered with its own release. Panting, his eyes opened and found Anders', a smile coming to his lips as he did so.

They should hike back to the lake, he told himself. Clean up. But at the moment, neither cared. Anders crawled back into Nate's arms, as much supporting him as he was getting enveloped in a warm embrace. Their lips met, no hurry to the kisses this time, just warmth. And gratitude.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 04:43:52 UTC
Neither seemed inclined toward moving, so instead, they stretched out in front of the fire after shifting over just a little. Cuddling back to front, Anders let out a sigh, smiling at the feel of Nate nuzzling at the nape of his neck.

"I hate to admit it, but you were right. This trip has turned into something enjoyable for me after all."

He could feel the smile against his skin. "Mmm, and just think, we still have the rest of the week."

Twisting around, he met Nate's laugh with a kiss. "And am I looking forward to it," he replied with a chuckle. "Especially with you here to guide me."


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 05:07:48 UTC
Writeanon, I have had the day from hell and you've just helped improve it by 1000!! Passerby anon approves of the Nanders, oh yes she does :)


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 24 2011, 11:27:14 UTC
And the OP agrees! Nanders! Fuck yeah!


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous February 25 2011, 08:58:10 UTC
Glad I could make your day better, anon! Always glad to hear my writing's made someone happy.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous March 4 2011, 04:56:49 UTC
Oh damn, this has got to be one of the best Nanders fics I've read on here! Awesome, awesome job.

Writeanon if you're ever interested I would totally love to see a sequel of this--I'll even do a fill for you if it'll entice you to give us more!!


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous March 5 2011, 00:33:32 UTC
Wow. Best? That's...thanks *grins like a nit* And we'll have to see about a sequel. I've got other things in the works, but we'll see if something sparks. I just mentioned this to the OP and she's all for it, so we'll have to see.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous March 5 2011, 00:50:16 UTC
Then I shall send creative vibes your way to get the sparks flowing :)

And if you do decide to write it just drop a note here letting me know what you want filled in return.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous May 20 2011, 21:32:00 UTC
totally yummy.


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous May 21 2011, 11:10:23 UTC
Loved this so much! Fantastic fill <3


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous May 24 2011, 01:18:46 UTC
This was so painfully good. The slow build-up of friendship, uncertainty, and trust had my heart aching. My chest still hurts. If this had ended in rejection instead of yummy, lovely sweetness, I think my heart would have actually shattered. Thank you so much for this beautiful piece. - passing Anon


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous June 8 2011, 13:18:47 UTC
WriteAnon apologizes for late reply, but gets busy and forgets to check for more comments. Thank you all for the compliments and to the last anon, again, thank you *bows* Your comment made my morning. Also, very rarely do I write pieces without happy endings (Of all I've done, I've only done three) because auth!anon loves them, too!


Re: Dirt (9.5) anonymous December 23 2011, 18:53:31 UTC
Oh for the sweet love of Andraste!!! This was INCREDIBLE!!


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