Dragon Age: Origins, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Nov 01, 2010 12:00

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Comments 6318

Alistair/F!Warden - Repost. Old School Romance. anonymous August 16 2010, 02:20:14 UTC
Anon would like to see something sweet, romantic, and caring with Alistair and a F!Warden (can be any origin) who don't believe in casual sex with others (no sharing), and both who think sex should be with people who are in love. I want both of them to show convictions about this, and to hell with the rest of the world's opinion.


Re: Alistair/F!Warden - Repost. Old School Romance. anonymous September 18 2010, 03:20:00 UTC
This anon loves srs bzns sex. If I'm not called into work this weekend, I'm on this.


Re: Alistair/F!Warden - Repost. Old School Romance. anonymous September 18 2010, 14:46:48 UTC
Yeah! Thank you! *crosses fingers you're not called into work* :)


Conviction, Part 1/? anonymous September 20 2010, 20:40:32 UTC
It had been three years since Solona Amell’d had sex. Not that she was counting the days, of course, but sometimes it seemed like those days, spent frolicking around the Tower while sharing whispers and stealing kisses, were far away and out of her reach. So much had changed since then; in her memories she barely recognized herself from the other apprentices, clad in plum blues and moving in small herds from one classroom to the next, tittering and gossiping and dragging slippered feet to trace crude words on the floor when the dust began to collect ( ... )


anonymous August 16 2010, 03:59:41 UTC
F!Tabris/Leliana/Shianni - Leliana has that bit of dialog where she's thrilled to see an Alienage. Well, the Warden overhears and decides to show her some Alienage hospitality. Shianni joins in.


anonymous September 9 2010, 19:32:14 UTC
Holy crap, somebody please fill this.


Sigrun/Anders anonymous August 16 2010, 04:27:34 UTC
I'm surprised that I haven't seen this pairing yet- but they're so perfect! Let's give our adorable mage a little dwarf lovin':)


Gray Warden Stamina 1/2 anonymous June 22 2011, 03:22:51 UTC

The mage looked down at the smiling dwarf. Sigrun was up to something, but he wasn't sure what. She seemed happy enough, just oddly focused.

"What Sigrun? I'm not setting the couch on fire, regardless of how evil it is."

"Why would I want the furniture burnt? I sit on that couch. I was wondering if your offer was still good."

"Which offer?" Anders was growing wary.

"The one where you promised to teach me the 'love secrets of the Circle mages'. That means fucking, right?"

Anders' jaw dropped. He never thought she'd actually take him up on that.

"Err, yes. Fucking. Yes it does."

"Good!" Sigrun beamed up at him. Reaching up under his robes she grabbed his manhood gently but firmly and began walking to her room. Perforce, he had to follow. His erection grew rapidly as she led the way. Her hand was softer and more slippery than he would have thought. She started stroking him. By the time they entered her bedroom was completely rigid and quivering.


Gray Warden Stamina 2/2 anonymous June 22 2011, 03:45:58 UTC
Sigrun let go of him as soon as he closed the door. She let her robe drop and Anders saw her in all her glory. She was lush. That was the only word to describe her. She had strong arms, firm delectable breasts that led to a narrow waist and then out again to wide, strong hips and an inviting triangle of dark hair ( ... )


Re: Gray Warden Stamina 2/2 anonymous June 23 2011, 16:00:37 UTC
She MUST be joking. She has to be! Please, tell me she is!


Just the kink, please, dear anons anonymous August 16 2010, 05:25:48 UTC
Kink: Felching+snowballing

Pairing: any. Preference? M/M or het is fine, notably Taliesin/Zevran or any NPCs, Wardens, whatever. No Alistair please (because anon adores him and does not want to see him corrupted in this way)

THREESOMES WELCOME so long as they're light on the f/f, please

Desperate writeranon is desperate!!


Re: Just the kink, please, dear anons teaganon August 31 2010, 19:32:02 UTC


Re: Just the kink, please, dear anons anonymous June 23 2011, 16:23:08 UTC
PasserbyAnon would appreciate definitions. Would rather not google them just in case they are a squick for P!A. Thanks!

And, yes, since P!A doesn't even know what they are, she won't be writing it. ;>

(Thanks in advance for the pr0n tutoring!)


Re: Just the kink, please, dear anons anonymous June 23 2011, 17:32:22 UTC
As clinical as second P!A can make it, in hopes of not squicking first P!A...

Felching is sucking semen from the anus or vagina. Snowballing is passing semen mouth to mouth.


nipple piercing anonymous August 16 2010, 06:39:22 UTC
Zevran doesn't just stop at giving his beloved m!Warden an ear piercing. :>

Either Zev admistering the actual piercing or playing with already-pierced nipples would make me a very happy camper. Any flavor of m!Warden is fine too!


nipple piercing request (Pt. 1/2) anonymous September 7 2010, 16:37:45 UTC
M!Cousland/Zevran and nipple piercing, coming right up *eg*


“First the earring, then the tattoo, but this clinches it - You definitely have a needle fetish.”

Zevran grinned at him, temporarily removing the chunk of ice from Alek’s exposed right nipple and flicking the flesh to test its numbness. Apparently not satisfied, he returned the cube to its previous position on Alek’s flesh, drawing another hiss of discomfort from him. “But you look so sexy with them, amante.” Zevran used his teeth to tug at the small gold hoop fastened to Alek’s left ear, then traced his tongue along the outline of the arrow tattooed above Alek’s right pectoral. “And this will only be better, trust me.” He looked up and caught Alek’s glance, raising a golden brow in question. “You wouldn’t be considering reneging on our agreement, would you ( ... )


nipple piercing request (Pt. 2/2) anonymous September 7 2010, 16:39:48 UTC

Weeks Later…

Alek stormed into camp, his face flushed and eyes searching out the person responsible for his current situation. Finally locating Zevran near the central camp fire, he pointed a finger at the elf and growled, “You. In my tent. NowZevran’s brows flew up, though whether he was actually shocked or was simply feigning such in the face of Alek’s ire was up for debate. He didn’t question the order, however. He walked over and held up the canvas flap, allowing Alek to enter before him. “Is something wrong? You seem… distressed ( ... )


Re: nipple piercing request (Pt. 2/2) anonymous September 12 2010, 06:38:49 UTC
(apologies for not seeing this sooner! it was temporarily lost in a sea of inbox messages...)
totally what I was looking for and oh did I lol! that devilish Zevran ♥
(and FUFUFUFUFU I can totally track your anon-fail! XD and thrilled I am that you wrote for me! ♥


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