Dragon Age: Origins, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Nov 01, 2010 12:00

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nipple piercing request (Pt. 2/2) anonymous September 7 2010, 16:39:48 UTC

Weeks Later…

Alek stormed into camp, his face flushed and eyes searching out the person responsible for his current situation. Finally locating Zevran near the central camp fire, he pointed a finger at the elf and growled, “You. In my tent. Now.”

Zevran’s brows flew up, though whether he was actually shocked or was simply feigning such in the face of Alek’s ire was up for debate. He didn’t question the order, however. He walked over and held up the canvas flap, allowing Alek to enter before him. “Is something wrong? You seem… distressed.”

“Distressed? No, that’s not it.” Alek paced back and forth, his fingers clenching and extending as he strode around the confines of the tent. He was torn between the competing urges to throttle Zevran or fuck him senseless, and he couldn’t say which might happen if he didn’t calm down a little before touching the elf. “I’m pissed off and horny beyond belief, not ‘distressed’.”

Zevran took a few steps away from the tent opening, considering Alek carefully. “Aroused I can certainly help with, but why are you angry? Did something happen while you were in Denerim today?”

Alek forced himself to stop pacing and folded his arms across his chest. The ingrained habit had him pulling in a harsh breath as the increased pressure on his pierced nipples shot tendrils of sexual heat through his body and straight to his cock. Therein lay the problem.

For the past several weeks, Zevran had been tending to Alek’s new nipple piercings, bathing them each morning and night with an ointment that was formulated to both prevent infection and to anesthetize Alek against the itch and pain of the healing process. During that period, Alek had had gauze pads over both pectorals during the day, bound to his body by a wide bandage wrapped several times around his chest. That morning in camp, Zevran had declared the piercings fully healed and told Alek the herbal salve and the bandages were no longer necessary. He’d probed lightly at both metal bands, nodding in satisfaction before telling Alek to wear a shirt beneath his leather armor and that nothing else would be required.

“Yes, Zevran, something happened in Denerim. I was walking around all day long with a half hard dick because these piercings you gave me kept rubbing against my armor. That would have been bad enough, but you do recall that Leliana, Alistair, and Wynne went with me to Denerim? We stopped by the Chantry to turn in the information about the refugees, and Wynne caught me adjusting myself. She seemed to assume I was getting turned on by either Chanter Rosamund or that harridan who butchers the Chant of Light. She spent the rest of the afternoon glaring at me in sheer disgust like I’m some depraved pervert.”

Zevran was clearly struggling against the urge to laugh. “I didn’t know the woman possessed any other expressions. She always looks at me like that.”

Most of Alek’s fury drained away at the droll, sardonic comment. He wondered whether he should be concerned or pleased by Zevran’s ability to defuse his foul moods so easily. Alek sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Could you have at least warned me about the affect the piercings would have on me?”

Zevran stepped over to him and began unfastening the buckles on Alek’s armor. “I had no expectation this would happen. You were not sensitive there beforehand, after all.”

Alek rolled his eyes. “Hmm… so you’re completely stunned at this turn of events? I am utterly ashamed of myself for doubting you.”

Zevran grinned widely and winked in response. “As well you should be.” Zevran set aside the leather chest piece of Alek’s armor and unbuttoned the shirt beneath, spreading the cloth to expose Alek’s chest. He caught the left nipple ring between his fingers and tugged it, causing Alek’s breath to catch in his throat as curls of wicked sensation spread out from his chest to spark fires all over his body. “We seem to have resolved your anger problem. Now is the time for fixing the other, yes?”

Alek could not possibly agree more.



Re: nipple piercing request (Pt. 2/2) anonymous September 12 2010, 06:38:49 UTC
(apologies for not seeing this sooner! it was temporarily lost in a sea of inbox messages...)
totally what I was looking for and oh did I lol! that devilish Zevran ♥
(and FUFUFUFUFU I can totally track your anon-fail! XD and thrilled I am that you wrote for me! ♥


Re: nipple piercing request (Pt. 2/2) anonymous September 12 2010, 20:05:47 UTC

I wondered if the requester might be someone who'd recognize Alek -- total anon-fail! *giggles*

No worries about not seeing it before now -- I know how it is when RL interferes with one's ability to stay caught up on fandom stuff. I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun to write, and I simply could not resist the request *EG*


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