Dragon Age: Inquisition, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

May 03, 2012 12:00

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Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 26 2014, 00:42:56 UTC
Varric is pretty much everyone's big brother, but Hawke also looks out for him the other way 'round. S/he knows about Bianca and when Varric mentions he has a new boyfriend, Hawke is apprehensive. It took Varric about 15 years to get over his old flame and the Inquisition isn't exactly full of well-adjusted people, anyway. Hawke just wants to have a closer look at the new man in Varric's life - especially considering the guy's the Inquisitor/a Qunari spy/a Tevinter magister/a Templar going through withdrawal who also kidnapped Hawke's sister to the Circle that one time/any other choice. What does Hawke think of Varric's lover?


Re: Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 26 2014, 04:41:51 UTC
I'd give my soul for Varric/Dorian on that one *sets up camp*


Re: Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 26 2014, 10:11:50 UTC
Fill!anon here, I might double fill with Dorian and another sort of Hawke. :)


Re: Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 26 2014, 11:14:09 UTC
I'll be camping here in case you do, you beautiful beautiful author!anon!

the solas/varric one was soooo good that I certainly want for more, and I never even considered this ship but whoops there it is I love it XD


Re: Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 27 2014, 22:20:02 UTC
Thank you! Their relationship is kinda fun, they seemed quite respectful towards each other in the games and Varric even brought out Solas' jokey side. *points downwards* I tried my hand at Dorian/Varric, too. :D


Re: Any Male/Varric, Hawke dis/approves anonymous December 27 2014, 22:41:37 UTC
fjhzbsr just read your second fill and omfg this was perfect. I just loved, lo~ved the relationship between Varric and Hawke, and that "Waffles" destroyed my feels. Such friendship. Also loved how jealous and insecure Dorian was about it, because while he's all snarky peacock on the outside, he seems like rather vulneable guy under all that, so that you captured perfectly. good writting, author!anon!


Solas/Varric + Direct!M!Hawke: A Warning (1/2) anonymous December 26 2014, 09:53:23 UTC
“Solas ( ... )


Solas/Varric + Direct!M!Hawke: A Warning (2/2) anonymous December 26 2014, 10:07:27 UTC
This situation would be exceedingly amusing if Solas did not already know that he would eventually break Varric’s heart and has entered in this relationship with that in mind ( ... )


Re: Solas/Varric + Direct!M!Hawke: A Warning (2/2) anonymous December 27 2014, 23:12:06 UTC
OP here, I love me some direct Hawke with a little nice in there. Such an asshole, but he cares. I had never thought about this pairing before, it's interesting.


Re: Solas/Varric + Direct!M!Hawke: A Warning (2/2) anonymous December 28 2014, 13:21:37 UTC
This is an awesome fill, anon. Perfect characterisations. I love your Solas. And your Varric. Hell, and your Hawke. Direct!Hawke being a secret sweetheart is my favourite.


Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (1/?) anonymous December 27 2014, 21:44:25 UTC
There was a certain dramatic irony to this that Dorian guessed Varric might appreciate if his brain was still forming complete sentences. In the last few months, the dwarf had survived a couple of dragons, hundred of demons, misled Wardens and the Fade - not always unharmed, but usually on two feet. Then, half an hour’s way out of Skyhold, while he helped Solas collect some Crystal Grace for whatever the elf was concocting today, some common Venatori scouts suprised him and broke six of his ribs and bashed his head against a sharp rock. The soldiers at the gate whispering that the Fade mage had come back with Varric draped over the back of a horse like a sack of wheat was what had sent Dorian almost pushing the door of Solas’ room off its hinges in his quest to find him ( ... )


Re: Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (1/?) anonymous January 4 2015, 12:37:24 UTC
I hope there will me more -and soon- of this fic, great start!


Re: Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (1/?) anonymous January 5 2015, 16:19:31 UTC

The whole fic should be here (the second fill). Hope you like it!


Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (2/?) anonymous December 27 2014, 21:57:15 UTC
“That looks exceedingly painful.” Dorian frowned. “I could bring two of the mages from Mother Giselle’s company to assist you. That mother hen is no great friend of mine, but she has some good people and I’d rather not take any chances. The dwarves’ magic resistance rather works against them when you try healing magic ( ... )


Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (3/?) anonymous December 27 2014, 22:08:33 UTC
Varric made a vague humming noise in response, which worried Dorian more. Usually, Varric staved off help with a ten foot pole. Annoying as the resistance was, when people like that finally admitted they needed a hand, that meant playtime was over ( ... )


Dorian/Varric + Diplomatic!M!Hawke: Healing Hands (4/4) anonymous December 27 2014, 22:16:20 UTC
It was one of those rare moments that left Dorian without an appropriate reaction. He was taken aback by how sure Hawke sounded. Was it that obvious? Scarce weeks ago, he’d been hiding that fact even from himself. Pretending he wanted it loose and easy as it always had been back home had been a comfortable lie because it wasn’t such a sure way to get hurt ( ... )


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