Fannish happiness

Jun 07, 2009 00:31

First, a brief bit of fail: Google really thought that the anniversary of Tetris was the important thing to commemorate about June 6th?

Fannish happiness part one: Star Trek )

random, recs: st, tv: st, fandom

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Comments 4

stultiloquentia June 7 2009, 14:30:15 UTC
I resisted Buffy for years. No longer.

OH HAI HOW MAY I HELP YOU? Really, if you want to squee, I would love to read your squee. Are you watching it in order for the first time, unspoiled? May I rec things as you go along? I am writing Buffy fic this morning, but it is...not very srs bzns.

Trek: Here's another vid for you. GK's been posting all kinds of good things.


dragojustine June 7 2009, 15:06:21 UTC
Ooooh, good vid.

And yes! Buffy! I am watching in order, because I am fanatical that way (Though bdblack insisted on detours to his favorite episodes, most of which seemed to involve evil Willow in leather. Not that I blame him). And I am... not spoiled, exactly, but I have been in fandom a really long time so fannish osmosis has taken care of knowing all the major characters and some of the big arcs, but the individual episodes are still new. I have spent most of the last three days going, "Oh Xander! Oh Willow. Oh Giles..." because this show really does have the best sidekicks in the business (Buffy herself, after nearly two full seasons, has finally grown on me. But she took a while).

You may totally rec things as I go along. Especially Angel/Spike hatesex. Or anything about this late Season 2 tangle of Spike/Dru/Angelus, because that is the best villain threesome I have ever seen. Not that I'd turn down fic about Our Heroes, not at all.

*g* Fun show is fun. *solemn nod*


miriad June 7 2009, 20:46:50 UTC
Oh. My. God.

New Trek AND Buffy?!?!?!?!?


I love Xander. I love Jim Kirk (old and new). I have been set to constant squee for the past MONTH. This is of the good. ;)


dragojustine June 7 2009, 20:48:21 UTC
I KNOW. I don't think one human head can contain this much squee. It's pretty awesome.


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