Fannish happiness

Jun 07, 2009 00:31

First, a brief bit of fail: Google really thought that the anniversary of Tetris was the important thing to commemorate about June 6th?

Fannish happiness part one: The Trek reboot is like a geekgasm wrapped in a big red bow. bdblack took me and spent most of the movie laughing at me while I grinned and giggled and cheered and jumped up and down and punched the air and died of love and generally made an ass of myself. So. Very. Happy. I love these characters. I love them, and I love that they're back.

Fic needs to happen now. There needs to be tons and tons of Kirk&McCoy wacky Academy days hijinks. And Chekov and Sulu wacky terrible twins hijinks on the bridge, including Chekov getting sick of everybody thinking he's a kid and totally messing with them. And plotty fic wherein Uhura is solid gold-plated awesome. And tons of below-decks fic about what it's like to work under Scotty. And TOS crossover things where they visit the same planets and things go very, very differently. And, of course, tons and tons of fic about Kirk and Spock and Uhura (Kirk competing for Uhura, but it's all a displaced Spock thing; or the threesome, that works too) and Kirk who doesn't remember most of the mindmeld with Spock Prime but gets these crazy flashes, sometimes; or a Kirk who does remember and is angsting about what he doesn't have; and about how Kirk and Spock both exchange snarky letters with Spock Prime, where he gets annoyed at them for not being close enough and swears he's not going to meddle in their timeline but can't help feeding them superior little hints about planets to visit or not to visit, and Kirk and Spock Prime exchange letters that are so coded none of the sensors know what they're talking about (and Spock Prime is lonely and valiantly trying to resist seeing his friend in this young rash Kirk while poor New!Spock always feels like he's half a step behind, trying to figure out what Spock Prime is pushing them towards).

So, recs!

Circus, by butterfly, who proves in vid form that a Brittney Spears song conclusively sums up New!Kirk. (I know. But it works. Really well)

Don't Stop Believing by arefadedaway, which is 80s power ballad plus K/S, and therefore chemically formulated to make my spirit soar in the cheesiest and most wonderful of ways.

Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Even Post-Pubescent Russians Do It by chaletian is the model for my desire for "baby faced Chekov screws with everybody" fic. No pairings, and hilarious.

Cut and fucking paste by crimsonclad is old!K/S but not new!K/S, and it begins to hit (funnily and sensitively and gorgeously and without undue angst) all the problems of mind-melded Kirk knowing what he doesn't have. Plus, it's what started my craving for Kirk and Spock Prime exchanging snarky emails.

Young by quigonejinn is a character study of New!Spock. If you normally run from anything summarized as "character study," all I can say is: don't.

Two Sides by circadienne on dw is the first fusion/crossover/thing with TOS that I've seen. This is all about Uhura, then and now, and how very much the same and very different she is. Both Uhuras manage to be incredibly strong in different ways, and fragile as well, and she paints Uhura into a bigger canvass- a life outside the Enterprise, a family, a place in wider society. Especially striking is the last section, about Uhura's conflicted reaction to the Starfleet glass ceiling... a melancholy fic for a women who never quite seemed to get her dues and yet stayed strong and incredible and invaluable through two universes anyway.

I love all the new fans pouring in with this movie, but this is the first fic I've read by somebody who very obviously loved TOS, and I can just feel that pouring out of every paragraph. We need so much more fic of TOS characters- TOS characters in contrast to TOR characters, or meeting interacting with their AU selves, or fic about how these kids turn into or fail to the ones we loved before- how we see the glimmers of who they will be start to shine through, or how exactly we understand the differences. I want more fic from people who miss TOS.

So! Recs? Coms? People I should have on my flist? Help a girl out!

Fannish happiness part two: I resisted Buffy for years. No longer. I'm sure you all have some vague idea of the sheer intensity of squee I am going through right now. Shan't even attempt to babble about it here, or I will never stop. DAMN YOU, Joss.

random, recs: st, tv: st, fandom

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