Synergy - Prologue

May 31, 2008 20:44



Antares looked at the monitor in front of him. The readout showed an asteroid belt just a few clicks away. He grimaced slightly as he cycled through the data.

“Not long now,” he said aloud to himself.

He stood up and walked to a view port. The Flaming Gas Spheres flared and sparked in the Expanse. Countless spheres stretched as far as he could see and further, and yet for all their number not many of them had been allocated Systems. He remained silent, watching them, enthralled by the vista beyond and what if had to offer if one only knew where to look.

“Warning,” a female voice stated succinctly from behind him. “Current course data shows a collision will occur.”

Antares sighed in response to the interruption. He turned his back on the view port and looked at the bridge controls before him.

“Synergy,” he asked, “can you correct the course to avoid the collision?”


Antares waited.

“Course corrected,” Synergy stated after a moment’s pause. “There are no further obstacles in our plotted course.”

Antares nodded. He paused for a moment longer as he milled something over in his head.

“Synergy, what is the ETA on our destination?”

“The estimated time of arrival is 42 hours and 6 minutes on our current course heading.”

Antares nodded again and looked toward the view port. He moved to the door and pressed a button. The door swung open to the hiss of hydraulics.

“Doors opening,” a male voice accompanied the doors movement in a sing-song manner.

Antares passed through the portal and stepped into the corridor beyond. He looked back at the desk with its lit display of various gas clusters, asteroids, course heading and ship data.

“Synergy, you have the helm,” he said. “Contact me if you need me.”

“Affirmative, Sir,” acknowledged Synergy.

The male voice sang out informatively, “Doors closing.”


Antares :: Antares Spencer


This is a story I've started writing for the pixel_trade community. The sims shown in this story will all have been made & shared by members of that community. I'm not playing a legacy or challenge; I'm writing & then shooting with the 'actors'. At the end of each chapter, I'll list the credits of the sims & their creators.

I'm still working on Pleasantacres Asylum & on A Strange Little Desert Town. This is just yet another side project. I will endeavor to keep the updates coming as often as I can for all three.


stories: general, synergy, pixel_trade

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