Dragancaor.net Asylum Challenge - Pt 6

May 26, 2008 17:55

Language Warning! This is written from the point of view of one of the patients & there will be swearing.
You have been warned =)

Previous Entries:
Part 1 - Pleasant Acres Asylum
Part 2 - Nina Sux
Part 3 - Fire & Brimstone
Part 4 - Lightning Crashes
Part 5 - Men Behaving Badly

Pleasant Acres Asylum


My boss gave me a cash bonus today. Which meant that I could actually spend money. It sucks knowing I'm on a great wage & yet having my bank account locked. It's not like I'd splurge on drugs & alcohol or anything. Truth be told, I'd be calling IKEA & having stuff delivered. Like a couple of beds, some chairs, maybe a few more easels & a bucketload of paints & canvases. Possibly a couple of stuffed toys. But no. Access Denied. Bastards.

Now, the cash bonus wasn't huge or anything. But it was cash. So I picked up the phone and made the call. Chinese, delivered. It really made for a great evening!

Notu was so damn happy about it that he started belting Parthon over the head with a pillow. The feeling was, of course, mutual. Clontarf looked a tad perplexed by the delivery boy, though I'm putting that down to that age old battle of China vs Japan... who knows.

Bloodflesh invited his girlfriend to join us. No, not Dina Caliente. In her dreams. No, dear Bloodflesh invited his girlfriend, THE MOP. She's not the prettiest thing in the world, with her squeegee hair, paper plate face & crayon features, but he loves her.

The food was great. Cactus Joe nearly avoided it by making himself salad, but the smell was too tempting. He grabbed a box to fill the gap the salad left in his stomach. Almost everyone managed to deal with the chopsticks. Everyone except Parthon.

And we danced long into the night.
It was great!

- Draganin


Look! I CAN use chopsticks!
So long as I'm not having lunch with people from Getty Images, I'm fine!

"I'll just have a salad"

Creepy much?


Click here for Asylum Challenge Rules

Just a short one this week. I enjoyed these images too much & felt they needed an episode all to themselves =)



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