Dragancaor.net Asylum Challenge - Pt 5

May 18, 2008 22:37

Language Warning! This is written from the point of view of one of the patients & there will be swearing.
You have been warned =)

Part 1 - Pleasant Acres Asylum
Part 2 - Nina Sux
Part 3 - Fire & Brimstone
Part 4 - Lightning Crashes

Pleasant Acres Asylum


I hate this place. I hated it before, I hate it more now. Seriously.

8 people, 5 beds. Thats pretty fucked. But 4 chairs & a 2 seater sofa adds to how fucked it is. The fact that there is 1 toilet is hell but only having one bath/shower is the cruelest & most malicious humour I have encountered. They reckon we're insane!

Clontarf's staring has gotten worse. I managed to beat him & Cactus Joe to bathroom rights but neither of them wanted to leave. Cactus Joe even tried to guilt trip me about it! I expect to be able to shower in privacy. Unlike Hatefueled I am not an exhibitionist & I don't walk around in my knickers. That lot sure as hell aren't welcome to watch me try to bathe. Perhaps I should take my hedge clippers into the bathroom with me next time to make it obvious that they aren't welcome. I know I promised that I wouldn't take them inside, but I seriously doubt the nurses would care if they put themselves in my shoes for a moment.

I have the day off tomorrow. I am resolved to ignore them & just study.
I can't wait to get out of this place.

- Draganin



It's always the same. Waterballoon fights go on until the wee hours of the morning. It's serious business for this lot. You aren't just going to cop the latex snapping on your skin & wet clothes. They throw them with such force they can knock people for six. I honestly wouldn't put it past one of them to try putting a rock inside the balloon like they did with the snowballs.

The place is a pigsty. There is constantly water on the bathroom floor, the kitchen benchtops are growing & no one seems to bother opening the bin to put things in it. They just throw them in its general direction & let the shit pile up on the floor. Today I cleaned the stove. Would you believe it is white?! Bloodflesh cleaned the kitchen bench & cleaned up after the pigs. I'm surprised we haven't got rats... but then again, we apparently get penguins. Maybe I'm just not paying good enough attention?

Speaking of penguins, the nurses seem to have changed the medication again. There is something decidedly wrong with food that glistens, for want of a better word. The canteen at work never looked so good.

- Draganin


Male bonding over omelets

Visitor Beware

Parthon catches the demasked Clontarf off his guard....


Clontarf is so damn lucky that I am so determined to get out of this fucking place. If it wasn't for the fact that killing him would definitely strip me of my working permit & lock me up in solitary without doubt of the key being mysteriously lost, he would be buried in that nice little fenced off area out the back. If I was sure that I could get away with maiming him, I would.

Parthon started a fire in the microwave. No matter how much they set fire to the ramen, and no matter how much they write about the evil cursed ramen on the kitchen walls, they still attempt to make it. Like moths to fluorescent lights. So theres the microwave, on fire, & what does dear Parthon do? Why he opens it up & takes the bowl of ramen out of course. [headdesk] The flaming microwave, now with an open door & access to more air, bursts into a brilliant display of combustion.

Of course, they all scream & yell & carry on & generally just don't do anything fucking useful about the situation. So I put my book on genetics down & grabbed the fire extinguisher. But does it stop there? Of course not. Not here. Everybody is shrieking & Parthon puts his ramen down on the kitchen bench to come & join in!

Oh but it gets worse. There am I, fighting a fire because no one else seems to be able to, & suddenly there is a body pressed up against me. Hatefueled's screaming changed from 'oh god fire' to 'oh fuck' from her vantage point behind where Clontarf was taking the 'opportunity' to his advantage.

Not on. No way in hell. The moment the fire was out I glared at him, had a long shower to wash off as much of the feel of him as possible & try to get a handle on wanting to kill him slowly as painfully as possible. Writing about it now my skin is crawling. I may still do something to him. Anyway. Coming out of the bathroom, I grabbed my fishing rod & headed to the pond outside. Parthon was on the floor blubbering.

I managed to catch something decent. Bass I think, though I'm no expert past 'that looks edible.' Temper firmly in check, I headed inside to cook it & share it with everyone.

I think they've put medicine in the condiments too.

- Draganin

Bloodflesh tells the evil microwave just what he thinks of it


The incident the other day seems to have made Clontarf think that he can do what he wants to me without reprisal. He's wrong. I'm just biding my time.

Meanwhile, Parthon seems to have made a new friend; a soccer ball with a permanent markered face. He carries it around & talks to it about all sorts of varying things he's read about in my books. It's almost a shame he's insane, he's got a good grasp of science.

Selene came over after work today. She's great; we get along really well & the others here don't scare her off. She thinks its a hoot visiting us, which is good seeing as I'm not allowed to go to her place. I had to do emergency repairs to the sink - the tap spindles needed replacing & the nurses seem to have forgotten to send any tradesmen to deal with it. Clontarf & Selene sat down out the back by the tyre & chatted. It was long dark & dinner was finished & cleared (thanks to Blood's OCD) when they finally came inside.

- Draganin


I would seriously love to know what Clontarf said to Selene

Hatefueled stood there & watched Walky the entire time! Jealous much?

Go on. Caption this image! You know you want to.


Click here for Asylum Challenge Rules

Selene Zyzzyva is the second generation spawn of the legacy of forever_sims. Evil; pre-loved & post packed =)

Stay tuned next week for Part 6: The Great Chinese Incident!



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