Simsperiments Challenge - September 2008

Sep 18, 2008 05:39

This one's a special one. Not only do the subjects remain a secret until you view what lies beneath the cut, but it's also story.

Disclaimer: The following events are entirely fictional. Alias’ have been used to protect the innocent. If at any time you believe this relates at all to persons in real life then you are most likely looking too far into it. Honest.
Do you think that covers it girls? What do you mean its still recor...


Things were quiet at the Manor. Known by many as the Manor of the Immortals, it was given a wide berth for fear of its occupants. While many people held the Immortal Guardians as benevolent, others fell prey to the rumourmongers’ stories. Witchcraft, they told. Ungodly experimentation, sang the tales.

Townfolk heard tales that the four Immortals in the Manor were responsible for some of the strange goings on. The houses that were built silently overnight, the sudden appearance of families who could have sworn they used to live elsewhere. Many of the townsfolk chose to ignore these rumours for the more substantial fact that they had access to all the amenities they could want for, were all alive & on the odd occasion one of the Immortals walked by, they were friendly.

MJo5oh walked into the garage where the wreck of a Torana sat on blocks. The metallic clanging she could hear coming from beneath it told her all she needed to know.

“Can I bug you a moment, Drag?”

“Mmph?” Dragancaor’s response came from somewhere below the engine bay, muffled by a mouthful of socket wrench.

“I need to borrow your lab.”

The socket wrench dropped to the floor with a clang. This can’t be good, thought Dragancaor as she slid out from beneath the chassis.


“I want babies,” MJo5oh said simply.

“So go & meet some likeminded guy,” Dragancaor responded cooly.

“Yeh right,” MJo5oh laughed. “Like I’m going to risk some wackjob being near my kids, or this house. You’re going to make them.”

“What?!” Dragancaor looked at her friend incredulously.

“Just like the simsperiments you do for Pixel_Trade that we populate this town with. You’re going to create me some babies.”

“You’ll still need a second donor,” Dragancaor reminded her. “It won’t work with just one.”

“I already have three,” MJo5oh said happily, but there was something else lurking beneath the surface of her tone that made the hair on the back of Dragancaor’s neck rise.

“Okay then,” she said tentatively. “Organise to bring them over & we can start then.”

“They’re already here.”

MJo5oh - Neat 4, Outgoing 9, Active 6, Playful 3, Nice 3,
Turn Ons: Black Hair, Brown Hair. Turn off: Cologne.
Aspiration: Knowledge/Romance
Download MJo5oh

Dragancaor - Neat 4, Outgoing 6, Active 5, Playful 5, Nice 4,
Turn Ons: Facial Hair, Custom Hair. Turn off: Stink.
Aspiration: Knowledge/Pleasure
Download Dragancaor

Simsforaranya - Neat 5, Outgoing 2, Active 6, Playful 8, Nice 5,
Turn Ons: Blonde Hair, Black Hair. Turn off: Stink.
Aspiration: Knowledge/Family
Download Simsforaranya

xel_squirgle_ox - Neat 3, Outgoing 4, Active 3, Playful 9, Nice 6,
Turn Ons: Fit, Brown Hair. Turn off: Stink.
Aspiration: Romance/Knowledge
Download xEl_Squirgle_Ox

MJo5oh’s smile was the stuff of legends. It told Dragancaor everything about MJo5oh’s evil master plan without her even needing to find the document. Dragancaor shuddered at the realisation of what she was being asked to do.


“Wrong,” MJo5oh corrected. “Yes.”

“There is no way in hell I’m going to do this,” Dragancaor started, her arms folded across her chest.

“Remember a couple of weeks ago I posed for that lingerie shoot you had to do when your model got chicken pox?”

Dragancaor went silent.

“You told me you owed me,” MJo5oh continued. “Pay up.”

Dragancaor spent the rest of that afternoon getting DNA samples from MJo5oh. She had decided that she wanted to be the father, not the mother, & so Dragancaor had to figure out a way of creating a false ‘sperm’. She worked long into the small hours of the morning, squinting at her monitors & wishing she was doing anything but this.

But it was the next night, at dinner, that had her fretting. MJo5oh had called a meeting of Pixel_trade.


xEl_Squirgle_Ox had spent hours in the kitchen preparing her favourite new recipe. Roast pork, with just the right amount of seasoning, roasted vegetables & the finishing touch; apple sauce with the tiniest hint of cinnamon. When Mjo5oh had announced the meeting to them this morning, she had jumped at the chance to try it on them while they were all home & not too busy to sit at the same table.

Much of dinner involved small chit chat about the recent additions to the town. xEl_Squirgle_Ox spoke of her Doohicky project, with the variants she was achieving through different mediums. Simforaranya didn’t have much to add from the view of the town’s beauty salon, but eluded to an idea she wasn’t ready to fully disclose as yet. Dragancaor was strangely silent.

“So have you heard the news?” asked MJo5oh.

Simsforaranya raised an eyebrow at MJo5oh.

“What news?” she asked, smiling brightly. “What are we doing now?”

“I’m going to be a daddy!” exclaimed MJo5oh merrily.

“Daddy?” enquired xEl_Squirgle_Ox. “Don’t you mean Mummy?”

“Nope,” answered MJo5oh, looking at them gleefully.

Dragancaor pushed her food around her plate with her fork.

“Drag?” Simforaranya nudged her foot under the table. “What’s wrong? You’re obsessed with food & you aren’t eating this. Spill.”

“Not enough sleep, too much stress & I just want to crawl into a corner,” Dragancaor responded. “Or go out on the rocks & look for some bugs to macro.”

“Where’s your camera?” asked Simsforarnya suddenly. “I don’t think I’ve seen you with it all day!”

“In the garage still I think.”

“You think?” xEl_Squirgle_Ox exclaimed. “What’s going on?!”

Dragancaor looked at MJo5oh.

“I’m doing a special Simsperiment this month,” she said cautiously.

“Oooh!” exclaimed xEl_Squirgle_Ox. “Who’s it going to feature this time?”

“You don’t want to know.”

MJo5oh put down her fork & smiled at the three girls before her.

“I’ve got an idea,” she said. “Let’s finish this meeting in the spa! It’s a nice night & it’s rare that we’re all free at the same time.”

After dinner, the girls all changed into their bathers & jumped in the spa. It was in a walled off area of the garden, tucked in behind a low hedge. xEl_Squirgle_Ox’s Koi were right nearby & the area was more often than not occupied by her at random parts of the day. At night, feature lighting lit the bamboo & created sparkling effects on the waterfall into the spa.

Once they were all comfortable & the spa jets were sending gentle massages, MJo5oh brought up the matter of her news again.

“The reason I’m going to be a Daddy,” explained MJo5oh, “is because I’m the main donor for Dragancaor’s Simsperiment.”

“What?!” exclaimed Simsforaranya. “You want to donate yourself to one of Drag’s breeding experiments!? Why?”

“Because I want babies,” MJo5oh said simply.

xEl_Squirgle_Ox looked across at Dragancaor & raised her eyebrows in silent question. That was the final straw for Dragancaor. She glared at Mj05oh as she said simply, “Us.”

“Huh?!” cried xEl_Squirgle_Ox.

“You’re not serious!” Simsforaranya was horrified.

“Calm down,” Mjo5oh told them. “It’s because you three mean so much to me & work so hard for the community. I want you to be the other parents because I trust you & I won’t have to fear for the safety of the children, the house, or the secret.”

“Speak for yourself,” huffed Dragancaor. “I’d be a lousy mother & you bloody well know it.”

“I’m not ready for kids!” argued Simsforaranya. “Not to mention I had intended them to come after settling down with a nice guy.”

“Us?” was all xEl_Squirgle_Ox could say.

“Please?” Mjo5oh’s tone had totally changed. She looked at her friends imploringly. This is it I guess, she thought as she steeled herself. I might as well tell them now instead of waiting.

“I’m retiring from Pixel_trade,” admitted MJo5oh.

Suddenly, it all made sense. MJo5oh had been acting out of sorts of late. They’d all noticed it. The slight changes in her routines, the late nights spent watching the rolling waves & the lessened calling of meetings. The three other Immortals watched her for a moment. Yes, it made sense. And with the cat finally out of the proverbial bag, the girls grudgingly agreed to her wish.

They would start the Simsperiment on the morrow.


The day began as any other.
The sun rose, the tide came in, the postie passed, the newspaper arrived & both bathrooms were busy.

But it was not to remain that way for long. Dragancaor’s specimens were all grown & ready for implantation. All that remained was the final process. Normally, this was the stage of her experimentations that she began to get excited in. This time, however, she was filled only with dread.

This time, her subjects were friends.

Dragancaor was distracted from her thoughts by the entry of Simsforaranya. The door closed behind her with a barely audible click & she walked with conscious effort to Dragancaor’s currently occupied incubation chambers. Simsforaranya studied the foetus’ for a moment before bursting into hysteric laughter.

“Are you ready?” Dragancaor asked when Simsforaranya had regained control.

“As I’ll ever be,” she replied.

Dragancaor led her friend to the Intrinsic Epithelium Polymorphis Integrator. Nothing needed to be said; Simsforaranya had witnessed the beginnings of a number of previous Simsperiments. It was just a strange feeling to be seeing it through the eyes of the subject.

Her stomach was awash with the feeling of butterflies, flinging themselves about in their vain attempts to escape. Her heart was in her throat & her shaking hands were cold. Still, she managed a smile.

“Turn me on, baby,” she grinned impishly as she tried to convince herself this would be fun.

The machine’s fusion reactor whirred to life. Sparks jumped across the connectors. She could feel the magnetic field resonating & all the electrodes in her body began to stand up & take notice.

“Anya?” Dragancaor looked at her with heartfelt sympathy.


“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“What for- ooooooooow!!”

The G force hit Simsforaranya suddenly & without warning. The whir of the machine was all she knew other than the pain of what felt like hundreds of foam bats pummelling her stomach. Lightening crackled across her vision. Then everything was black.


xEl_Squirgle_Ox was attempting not to think. She’d spent most of the morning out with her fish, unable to focus on her jewellery. She’d left her beads scattered across her desk upstairs, half an earring today lying there as blocked from concentration as Simsforaranya’s novel in progress.

Her watched beeped. It was her turn in the lab.

The scariest part of the entire experiment wasn’t the idea of bearing children or raising them. It was that the only person who knew how to operate the machine was Dragancaor. There would be no one there to assist for her own turn.

It took her until the following dawn to set up the timing mechanism, arrange the catchment conditions for her unconscious body on completion, & to work up the nerve to set everything in motion.

It was MJo5oh who carried her prone friend to her bedroom & tucked her in. Silent gratitude for a wish fulfilled.


The beauty of a Simsperiment, is the sped up timeline. Simsforaranya, xEl_Squirgle_Ox & Dragancaor only carried their progeny for a couple of days.

Manipulated DNA meant that their offspring would have a year of growth pass in only a day. But even with only a day for a year, the children wanted for nothing.

Constantly doted upon, they learned fast & well.

On the 21st day since their birth, the fully matured children would be given an injection to further modify their preconceived encoding. They would stop aging at their fast rates. In matter of fact, they too would be as immortal as the parents that created them.

Choice was not denied them however, Dragancaor offered them the option of mortality. At any time in their life they could have a third tweak to their encoding that would allow them to age at the same rate as the world around them. They would be able to have families, employment & lead a life deemed normal by the population outside the Manor.

Neat: 10
Outgoing: 1
Active: 10
Playful: 3
Nice: 10
Turn Ons: Cologne, Creativity
Turn Off: Charismatic

Neat: 4
Outgoing: 9
Active: 5
Playful: 7
Nice: 5
Turn Ons: Jewellery, Unemployment
Turn Off: Mechanical

Neat: 10
Outgoing: 8
Active: 10
Playful: 3
Nice: 3
Turn Ons: Stink, Grey Hair
Turn Off: Bathers
Aspiration: Popularity

Neat: 3
Outgoing: 4
Active: 5
Playful: 9
Nice: 5
Turn Ons: Jewellery, Brown Hair
Turn Off: Full-face makeup
Aspiration: Romance

Neat: 8
Outgoing: 10
Active: 3
Playful: 2
Nice: 3
Turn Ons: Formal Wear, Good Cook
Turn Off: Mechanical
Aspiration: Romance

Neat: 10
Outgoing: 9
Active: 10
Playful: 3
Nice: 3
Turn Ons: Cologne, Cleanly
Turn Off: Grey Hair
Aspiration: Pleaure

No matter what the town choose to believe when it comes to the four known as the Immortal Guardians, their children know them for what they are. Welcoming, open, friendly & slightly eccentric.



MJ in no way forced us to do this. We're doing it as a shout out to her great community idea & as a sort of goodbye party for her very real retirement.

If you can pick the naming theme I've used, gain cookies.

I've got Apartment Life installed, so extraction & uploadling of these sprats is waiting on the release of SimPE.

stories: general, pixel_trade

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