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Oct 22, 2011 12:01

Who: Everyone!
Where: Beginning in the dungeons and moving up the floors
When: Starting at 6pm (GMT) Saturday, Oct. 22
What: Lost Souls event
Rating: Varying
Warning: likely to contain violence

[ Dinner has just finished and as residents of Hogwarts begin to make their way back to their dorms, some individuals will feel a quick and light pinch. A ( Read more... )

hungary, kallen kouzuki, leo, elliot nightray, tieria erde, kaito kuroba, c.c., liechtenstein, alayne stone, hershel layton, suzaku kururugi, akito/agito wanijima, dave strider, yuuki kuran

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Oct. 22 - Late Evening - Ravenclaw Common Room ddnt October 22 2011, 19:15:48 UTC
[ As the lower levels are shut down, Slytherin students will be given sleeping bags in order spend the night in Common Room of the Ravenclaw Tower.

Don't forget to be mindful of when you leave! Getting back into the Common Room will require answering a riddle! ]


stubborn_throes November 8 2011, 03:00:14 UTC
[Rose is actually rather impressed with Terezi's silence! There may even be a well thought out facetious compliment in it for her later!

Once they clear the threshold of the tower and began making their way through the empty corridors, they're free to speak up again.]

Hold on a moment. [And Rose will break off from Terezi briefly to peer down a stairway.]



seeingeyespit November 8 2011, 04:38:18 UTC
[Terezi stops too, intrigued by what might have distracted Rose. she's pretty interesting as far as humans go.]

What is it?


stubborn_throes November 8 2011, 05:21:55 UTC
[It isn't long before she's tip-toeing down the stairs with all the grace and finesse of a professional ballerina.]

I want to see one.


seeingeyespit November 8 2011, 06:31:51 UTC
[Terezi hesitates at the top of the stairs, grin fading for just a split second--but in the end she taps out the location of the first stair with her cane and follows, albeit cautiously.]

Hehehe! You haven't had enough of monsters out for your blood?


stubborn_throes November 9 2011, 12:33:08 UTC
As if such a grand desire could ever reach even a succinct sense of placation.

[And she keeps going, tiptoeing down the long spiral corridor when an incredible urge that couldn't hope to be ignored strikes her.]

I'm certain Strider has already asserted proper forewarning, has he not?


seeingeyespit November 9 2011, 22:41:53 UTC
[Terezi is not thrown. It is always time for memes.]

He warned me about stairs, bro! Hehehehe.


stubborn_throes November 10 2011, 01:14:31 UTC
[A loud mental chuckle rings out into the great purple miasma that is Rose Lalonde's mind.

When they reach the bottom of the stares, Rose peers out into an empty expanse. In the doorway, she casts an incendio, igniting it in a barrier of flames that Rose peers through, watching the Inferi craw about.]

...Hn. They really do resemble corpses.
I wonder what variety and potency of dark magic it takes to reanimate the dead in a manner such as this...To restore just enough life to stoke the flames of such raw, bestial instinct... [She speaks in calm, gently wonderment, however internally she's just flipping out about how cool this is.]


seeingeyespit November 10 2011, 01:37:24 UTC
[This is pretty boring for Terezi, considering the only thing she can "see" is Rose's wall of fire.]

Soooooo. Fascinating as this little sidequest has been, one must wonder if we will ever return to our original mission!


stubborn_throes November 10 2011, 02:35:12 UTC
You mean "Terezi's Quest for Crimson Clad Coolkids"?

[She flashes Terezi a smirk before turning from the scene of the inferi.]

I'll suppose I can keep such curiosities at bay until we can facilitate this endeavor of yours.
However next time I expect the leeway for a more lengthy detour down the downtrodden path of demonics.


seeingeyespit November 10 2011, 17:41:04 UTC

Sure, Lalonde, next time we'll make sure you have plenty of time to smear your face all over this dead body pile that doesn't keep from getting taller.

[see Rose you're not the only one that can do memes.]


professorgent October 24 2011, 02:46:47 UTC
[Layton sits by the Common Room entrance. All of the students he's escorted have made it safely to the tower, so now he waits for word from the other professors.

He has debated whether or not going back to help clean up the Inferi, but has decided against it. He had to admit to himself that he is tired and thirty-seven years are working against him now. As well as he knows his spells (and as his recent battles have show, quite better than even he could've predicted), collapsing in exhaustion would not only endanger himself but the students in his protection. That was what most important right now.

He, with the help of a bright Ravenclaw student, conjour a steaming pot of tea with plenty of cups to spare. He sips of cup of Oasis Berry, a pick-me-up tea. Somehow, he knew this night was going to be long and he was going to need what energy he could get.]


buildyourworld October 25 2011, 00:01:23 UTC
[Tieria has been practicing the spell mentioned by Snape and found it rather easy to use. It feels like having his own GN Cannon back, only in a considerably smaller scale. After looking up the Inferi and several other spells he thought would be useful, he left his room and heads to the common room, intending to leave the Ravenclaw Tower to help take out those Inferis.]

[Upon spotting the professor he had spoken to the other day, he heads over to address him.] Professor Layton.

How's the situation outside?


professorgent October 25 2011, 00:26:52 UTC
[Layton nods to Tieria when he speaks.] Mr. Erde.

Well, the lower dormitories for the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are completely swarmed with Inferi. Since the main goal was evacuating the students, there wasn't much done to re-secure the areas they broke into. From what I saw coming up to the tower, they're already in the corridors. I know some students are helping the other professors eradicate any Inferi they can. There haven't been any casualties yet, thankfully.

Will you be going to help, Mr. Erde? [Layton has been dissuading some of the younger and more foolhardy students from going, but Tieria seemed capable enough to the professor.]


buildyourworld October 25 2011, 02:37:02 UTC
[He returns the nod as a gesture of manners.]

[Listening carefully, Tieria makes a mental note of making the corridors his priority, especially the ones leading toward the Ravenclaw Tower. It wouldn't do if the Inferis attack students on their way back to their living quarters, especially because some might have trouble answering the riddle.]

It's good that there's no casualty yet. Hopefully it will remains that way.

Yes. This is what we are all taken here for, isn't it? I'll prefer to do my part and keep everyone else safe. [He does has a penchant for fighting, that has been almost everything he lived for.]


professorgent October 25 2011, 15:28:35 UTC
Indeed. [Layton's voice then takes on a more steelier edge.]

Yes. In a way, we are all soldiers. [Willingly or not.]

I've also been advised that should anyone be killed by an Inferi, they are to be cremated immediately or else they too will become a threat. Do be careful, Mr. Erde. I shall be taking a quick walk around the corridors later and helping with what I can, too, once all of the students here are completely settled. They've had quite the scare, as you can imagine.

Ah, and I almost forgot---should you need a quick way back to the Ravenclaw tower from the Great Hall, there is a narrow tunnel hidden by a suit of armor. Unfortunately, that is only one of the few hidden passages I know of right now.


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