Leave Your Prompts Here!

Dec 17, 2011 18:11

This is the Prompting Post for the
dracotops_harry Fest
Prompting is now closed!

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[admin] prompt collection, [admin] fest-2012

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secretsalex December 22 2011, 12:56:19 UTC
Prompt:Sub!Draco tops Dom!Harry. Established relationship--but maybe the first time Draco tops his Dom?
Special Request(s) (optional): I see this going one of two ways: either Harry desperately wants to get fucked and Draco is resistant at first and has to be coaxed into it, or Draco knows Harry would like to bottom if he would just give it a shot, so he takes a more proactive approach (subs can be very adept at getting their way without technically breaking any rules).
Squicks: Nah.
Maximum Rating:NC-17.
Anything else (optional): Lots of little D/s details make me happy.


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secretsalex January 6 2012, 01:38:48 UTC
Boom indeed, darling. :)


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