The Rules for the second Draco-tops-Harry Fest

Dec 15, 2011 17:39

The Rules for
the second dracotops_harry Fest

The dracotops_harry Fest is an anonymous, prompt-based slash fest. It is a fest exclusively for Drarry, thus all stories and art must have Draco/Harry as the primary romantic or erotic pairing. Pre-slash should be marked clearly in the header information.

As the title of the fest suggests (*hint*), only top!Draco fic and art is allowed. This means that if your fic/art is R or NC-17-rated and penetration is happening during sex, Draco has to be the one doing the fucking, and Harry the one receiving it up his arse. Whatever else is happening in the story or art is entirely up to you (and your prompt, naturally ;)). Draco giving Harry a blowjob is accepted, also Harry bottoming from the top is allowed. If a fic/art features bottom!Draco, however, we will return it to you for revision, or ultimately reject it from the fest. Please no switching! There's lots of other fests and communities for bottom!Draco and switching fic/art - this one is for top!Draco/bottom!Harry only. Please respect the theme of the dracotops_harry fest and community!

♦ Fest Schedule ♦

Prompt Collection: Dec 17 through January 6, 2012
Sign-ups & Prompt Claiming starts: January 9 Claiming is open now!
Claiming closes: end of February
Submissions due: March 18
Fest starts: April 1 :)
Posting ends: April 29 or earlier (depending on how many submissions we get)
Reveal goes up: May 4

♦ Fest Rules ♦

Joining the Comm:
If you plan to participate in the dracotops_harry Fest - as artist, writer, podficcer, prompter, reader, lurker - please join dracotops_harry to keep up with all fest updates and announcements.

Everybody can submit prompts, whether you are going to participate in the fest or not. You can submit as many prompts as you want. Feel free to recycle unclaimed prompts from last fest's prompt list and prompt them again. Please look out for the Prompting Post on December 17.

Each prompt can be claimed once for art and once for fiction. Once you submitted your story or art, you are welcome to claim a second prompt. Claiming is on first-come, first-claimed basis. Claiming by proxy is allowed.

• All stories and art should be based on the prompt claimed by the writer/artist. While prompts are meant for inspiration, please try to stick to the prompter's wishes, and definitely be aware of her/his squicks.
• All work should be stand-alone and must not be part of a series or a sequel.
• All fiction and art must be new and written/drawn specifically for the dracotops_harry Fest. It should not be posted anywhere else until after the Reveal.
• Podfic submissions must be recorded specifically for this fest.
• The mods will not proof-read the submissions. Stories and art will be posted as received. Faulty html making a post unreadable will be fixed, but the mods will not correct SPaG, spacing etc..
• Appropriate warnings are required in the header info; feel free to white-out spoilery warnings if you prefer. The white-out code will be provided in the header template. If you have a question about coding or warnings, please email or PM the mods.

Deadline Problems:
While deadlines are not carved in stone, please try to stick to them. Still, this is not an exchange fest, so we won't have hordes of pink unicorns chase you down if you cannot manage the deadline or have to drop out of the fest. If you are having problems in getting your submission finished in time, please contact us sooner rather than later. We will do our best to help. But please let us know as soon as possible, so we can re-arrange the line-up for posting. Also keep in mind that prompters love to see their prompts come to life in a story or work of art. ♥

Under no circumstances is flaming tolerated at the dracotops_harry Fest. One warning is given; if flaming persists the mods will ban you from both comm and fest. If you feel you've been flamed by a member of this community or a commenter in the fest, please immediately contact the mods.

Please read and take to heart flyingcarpet's Guide to Participating in Fic Exchanges (applies to Prompt Fests, as well).

• Art should reflect at least one hour's work. It can be in the form of a comic, vid, movie, slides - whatever form you chose.
• If you are working with a beta, please put their name into the header of your art. A header template will be provided.
• Your finished art should be submitted as .jpg or .pgn files. However, the mods will happily go a very long way to accommodate any kind of artistic form, but please contact them well in advance so possible problems of off-site hosting can be solved long before your posting date.

• Stories must be a minimum of 1000 words long.
• Submissions should be beta-read and free of spelling mistakes. Please put the name of your beta into the header of your story. A header template will be provided.
• Stories must come complete with all html coding, such as bold, italic and centered. Please refer to phoenixacid's Simple HTML and LJ Codes Guide for how to do LJ coding.
• Your finished story should be send to the mods as a document in .doc, .txt or .rtf format.

Podfics: NEW
• We are accepting podfics for the dracotops_harry Fest. The idea is for people to podfic already published stories. The podfics will be posted as part of the fest. The stories chosen for podficcing can be of any length, however, they must be Drarry and top!Draco.
• All podfics should be beta-ed. Please put the name of your beta into the header of your story. A header template will be provided.
• If you are not the author of the podficced story, we expect you to have received permission to podfic from the author before submitting it to us. You may also refer to the list of Podfic Friendly Authors in the HP Fandom.
• Submissions need to be uploaded to a file-sharing account (such as Mediafire). Posting will be done by the mods, so for your submission, please email the download links and header information to the mods. We will then host them at our own website.
• If you don't provide your own cover art for the podfic, we will use a standard dracotops_harry Fest cover, based on the fest banner.
• More information about podficcing for the Fest can be found here.

The mods can be reached at or by commenting on this post.

Your excited mods ♥
memphisgreen, winnett and vaysh11

[admin] fest rules, [admin] fest-2012, [admin] announcement

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