Dastardly December

Dec 01, 2016 07:59

Feeling lower than low and desperately trying to hang in there. I dunno about all of you, but 2016 has been a one-two-three-four-uppercut punch to the face and the hits just keep coming.

November was marginally successful. I did finish Truth in Advertising, but RL and other things didn't cooperate as well as I'd hoped so I didn't get much done on ( Read more... )

monthly tasks

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Comments 2

anonymous December 5 2016, 00:35:39 UTC
Lots more posting than being written, I see. XD. But this year has been one full of trials, and I'm staring at my yearly goal list like... I didn't even get half of them done. *le sigh*

I feel the same about the past month or two. But at least you're getting projects posted to, which isn't a bad thing, really.

As always, if you're curious about a project, feel free to ask

Was curious about Apple a Day. Also, if there was ever going to be further continuation of A Helping Hand with a shovel talk for Mirage and some punishment for Smokescreen. If not, fine. Just wondering.


dracoqueen22 December 5 2016, 02:25:03 UTC
Yeah. Luckily, these projects have been done for a while so that means I still have content to post. XD

I fully intended to finish Apple a Day this year, or at least do six updates for it. It was on my yearly to-do list and everything. But man has 2016 been a bitch. I'm hoping I can figure out where I'm going with it, and pick it back up. It's still my baby and I love it to pieces. It's definitely not abandoned.

The continuation of A Helping Hand is still on my to-do list. I haven't abandoned it. I am just kind of... drowning in things right now.

Luckily, I'm not going to start anything new right now. I'm ignoring all of the projects that I was interested in for the future, and i'm not allowing myself to start them until I finish all my WIPs first. So hopefully, we'll finally see some resolution for everything. XD


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