Dastardly December

Dec 01, 2016 07:59

Feeling lower than low and desperately trying to hang in there. I dunno about all of you, but 2016 has been a one-two-three-four-uppercut punch to the face and the hits just keep coming.

November was marginally successful. I did finish Truth in Advertising, but RL and other things didn't cooperate as well as I'd hoped so I didn't get much done on Flights of Fancy. ;__; December is looking to be much more of the same so I'm going to try and keep my goals manageable. And pray/hope/fingers cross for a better 2017.

To Write!
  • Inseparable, the fourth and final part of Interwoven, continues on from Inseparable
  • Finish one of the three Flights of Fancy stories
To Post!
  • Play By Numbers Part Two and Epilogue
  • Anonymous Commission starring Ratchet, Drift, Perceptor, and Sunstreaker
  • Crown the Empire, the last nine chapters
  • Truth in Advertising, chapters 21-24
Lots more posting than being written, I see. XD. But this year has been one full of trials, and I'm staring at my yearly goal list like... I didn't even get half of them done. *le sigh*

Oh well. Better luck next time!

As always, if you're curious about a project, feel free to ask. I promise that nothing's been abandoned, and I've made it a point that I'm not starting anything new until I finish every last WIP so if that means I never get to some stories sitting in my idea folder, so be it.

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/352754.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

monthly tasks

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