Title: Ron's Intervention
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 700 (approx)
Genre: Humour/Romance
Summary: Ron stops the madness. A follow up to
Lawn Mowing Wars #3Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter universe, or the characters in it. The following was written purely for fun, not profit.
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Comments 20
Initially I thought you might go with Snape, but mother is much better. /evil grin
Ron can't take the pressure.
The gnome chatting up Ron was probably my favorite bit. Although Draco's "anklet" was hilarious, too.
Glad you liked! :D
Fun read.
And Ron's horror is justified. Its just NOT his thing. :D
It was official. He couldn’t handle this anymore. He needed help. He had to bring in stronger forces. Forces that could stop this madness once and for all! And he knew only one person who could strike fear in the hearts of War Heroes…and Malfoy. A person forged from iron and steel and darkness.
But was it worth it? Ron hesitated. Maybe it was too harsh. After all, they were grown ups. Surely they were capable of reason. Maybe he should try talking with them one more time before resorting to such extreme measures…
I was thinking Snape, even Hermione, but to have Narcissa's brand of elegant disdain heaped upon them was priceless! Sheer brilliance!
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