That person was not brave enough to put their name to their criticism. Don't take it to heart.
(Although, yes, I have to say, there are several spelling and grammar errors in the piece) I, however find plot, characterisation, pace and development of all the above are well executed. This makes me want to write my Coupling fic. (I have an idea stuck in my head for a while now, but no time to write it. And ... it's more angsty than funny. Anyway.)
I really, really, really enjoyed this. Susan vamping it up for Steve is brilliant. And you got Jane perfectly right! Squee! And Jeff, with his Mermaid fixation. *gringringrin* The thought of Tinkerbell and Junior Patrick ... I nearly destroyed this computer! :-D
I wont deny that a 'bad review' as it were isn't a little disheartening, but you know it was construtive and not flamey, but you're if you're not going to put your name to it...
(Although, yes, I have to say, there are several spelling and grammar errors in the piece)
That doesn't surprise me lol
But thank you for your kind words, i thought you'd enjoy it =)
and if I do say so myself, I do think I've got the characters as nailed as I can get them. I think I'm stronger at writing Steve and his characterisation than the others.
Jeff and Jane do still worry me slightly.
But thanks and i hope it put asmile on your face and tickled your funny bone =)
I'm stronger at writing Steve and his characterisation than the others Could that be the effect of a certain obsession with a certain actor? *gringringrin*
i hope it put asmile on your face and tickled your funny bone =) It did, it definitely did. And thank you for posting it and not waiting for me; it just about made my day to read this.
I'm stronger at writing Steve and his characterisation than the others Could that be the effect of a certain obsession with a certain actor? *gringringrin*
*looks innocently as if butter wouldn't melt* I don't know what you're talking about.
well i didn't want to bother you with it for beating since you're working of your thesis
One more thing: The final scene is fantastic, and very, very, very Coupling. Steve was hoping from foot to foot slightly behind the door like a nine year old wanting to relieve himself. Very Steve, and very Davenport. Well done.
And "Lucky bastard" as the last line. *nods enthusiastically* Yes, I like that.
I was watching the 'end of the line' as I wrote this and noticed that steve/jack hoped from foot to foot slightly when he was nervous or had done something stupid.
I honestly didn't have a clue who Barbarella was until I did a search I now understand why Steve was so shocked by the costume. 'A Lucky Bastard'Indeed!
Comments 12
Limp dialogue.
Badly typed.
The parts that could have had genuine comedic value (like the "Walkabout" scene in the early part) were ignored.
but what do you mean by badly typed?
And I personal don't see anything wrong with things that are formulaic, every show is formulaic in it's way and the same is for Coupling.
I think the girls conversation is rather limp in dialouge, that's really just a linking chapter
Cliched, Wilted. Fair enough
Sorry I wasn't able to tickle your funny bone =(
(Although, yes, I have to say, there are several spelling and grammar errors in the piece)
I, however find plot, characterisation, pace and development of all the above are well executed. This makes me want to write my Coupling fic. (I have an idea stuck in my head for a while now, but no time to write it. And ... it's more angsty than funny. Anyway.)
I really, really, really enjoyed this.
Susan vamping it up for Steve is brilliant. And you got Jane perfectly right! Squee!
And Jeff, with his Mermaid fixation. *gringringrin*
The thought of Tinkerbell and Junior Patrick ... I nearly destroyed this computer! :-D
(Although, yes, I have to say, there are several spelling and grammar errors in the piece)
That doesn't surprise me lol
But thank you for your kind words, i thought you'd enjoy it =)
and if I do say so myself, I do think I've got the characters as nailed as I can get them. I think I'm stronger at writing Steve and his characterisation than the others.
Jeff and Jane do still worry me slightly.
But thanks and i hope it put asmile on your face and tickled your funny bone =)
Could that be the effect of a certain obsession with a certain actor? *gringringrin*
i hope it put asmile on your face and tickled your funny bone =)
It did, it definitely did. And thank you for posting it and not waiting for me; it just about made my day to read this.
Could that be the effect of a certain obsession with a certain actor? *gringringrin*
*looks innocently as if butter wouldn't melt* I don't know what you're talking about.
well i didn't want to bother you with it for beating since you're working of your thesis
but I'm glad that it just about made your day =)
Steve was hoping from foot to foot slightly behind the door like a nine year old wanting to relieve himself. Very Steve, and very Davenport. Well done.
And "Lucky bastard" as the last line. *nods enthusiastically* Yes, I like that.
'A Lucky Bastard'Indeed!
Lucky Bastard
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