Makin' a list... PG-13

Aug 24, 2010 19:27

"Dave Gahan."

"Who's that?" Luke asked.

"The lead singer of Depeche Mode."

"What mode?"

"Really?" Reid rolled his eyes, "Personal Jesus?  People are People?"

"I'm Googling him."  Luke grabbed Reid's laptop from the coffee table and sat cross legged on the floor in front of Reid.

Casey threw himself down in the recliner to the right of the sofa, moonpie in hand.  "What are you guys doing?"

"Where did you get that?" Reid asked, grabbing for Casey's snack.

"Hey, get your own, doc..."

"Eww, he's really old.  Is he family?" Luke suddenly piped up from the floor.

"No, he's straight.  Who's laminated list is this, yours or mine?"

"He was born in 1962.  He seriously could be a grandpa.  You into necrophilia?"

"He's only 11 years older than me.  You're the one fucking someone 15 years older thanYOU.  So, which one of us is into old guys?"

"Hey, genius, you just called yourself old," Casey laughed as Reid glared at him.  "Can I play too?"

"Sure," Luke answered, "but you've got to name guys."

"Oh, hell no," Casey balked.

"Wuss," Reid teased, as he stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes, his right hand lazily threading into Luke's hair .

"Who have you named so far?" Casey asked.

Luke smiled.  "So far, I have Orlando Bloom and Zach Efron.  Reid here, he's into this Mode singer dude--whatever--and Mr. Big from Sex and the City."

"Chris Noth," Reid explained.

"Yeah, he's kind of hot," Casey said, "But I think I'd prefer that Aidan guy."

Reid raised his eyebrows and smirked at Casey.

"No homo, man..." Casey got up and walked into the kitchen.  "You guys want anything?"

"I want one of those chocolate marshmallow things you were just eating.  You watch Sex and the City, Casey?"

"Yeah, I've got the whole series on DVD."

"Are you sure you're straight?" Reid laughed.

"Incoming!" Casey huffed, as he sent the snack through the air in Reid's direction.  He grabbed water bottles for all three of them and headed back into the living room.

"Okay, so your turn, Luke," Reid mumbled around the moonpie.

"Johnny Depp."

"He might be as old as Dave Gahan," Reid argued.

"Maybe.  But he's hot, and  I like Captain Jack."

"He swishes."  Reid grimmaced.

"I like swishy."

"You would."

"Okay, next..."

"Let's see..." Reid pondered, "Colin Firth."

"Mmmmmm, yeah.  I have nothing negative to say about that one." Luke leaned his head back into Reid's side.

"Me either," Casey said.  "Okay, my turn, right?  Beyonce!"

"She's beautiful," Reid considered, "But she doesn't have a dick.  We said guys.  If you're going to play, you gotta play by the rules."

"Why do I need a laminated list of MEN?"

Luke and Reid looked at each other with a fake knowing look and laughed.

"You guys suck," Casey protested.  "I pass."

"Awwwww, c'mon, Case, be a good sport," Luke chided.

"Yeah, spill.  Let's just say you HAD to do it with a man, who would you choose?" Reid asked.

"HAD to, huh?"

"Yeah, forced.  Mostly forced."

"Okay.  Derek Jeter."

"That was quick," Luke deadpanned.

"Yes, it was," Reid agreed, "you were a little quick on the draw there, Casey.  You've thought about this before?"

"NO!  Damn.  No.  It's just you put me on the spot, and Derek Jeter's...I don't now...good looking and athletic, and he's got sparkly eyes, and he looks good in those tight baseball pants."

Reid and Luke stared at Casey.

"Shut up," Casey coughed. "Your turn, asshole," Casey pointed at Luke.

"Rob Thomas," Luke said.

"Nice one.  Hugh Jackman,"  Reid answered.

"Mmmm, yeah.  Wolverine...ok, Case your turn."

"Seriously, again?" Casey whined.  ", a dude?...okay...well...I'll just pick someone...Dwayne Johnson.  No comments, fuckers.  Luke, your turn."

"David Beckham," Luke said, licking his bottom lip.

"Wait, can I have him on my list too? " Reid pleaded, jokingly.

"No, way," Luke teased, "He's mine."

Reid sat up so that his knees were on either side of Luke's shoulders.  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Luke's ear, "We could share him."

Luke looked down, smiled shyly, and let his hand snake up behind Reid's neck.

"Okay, love birds," Casey clearned his throat.  "I'm outta here.  When the conversation moves to three-way gay sex I'm done.  I'm going to go eat a steak, drink some beer, and hit a bowling alley.  I need to get my man card back.  Don't wait up for me, hon," he said as he gently hit Luke on the top of the head with his water bottle.  "And by the way, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Lucy Lu, and Susan Sarandon, not necessarily in that order."  Casey grabbed his jacket and headed out  the door.

Reid pulled Luke up onto the couch next to him.  He kissed him lightly, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth.  "Your roommate's a little bi-curious, I'm telling you."

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