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Comments 59

sistermagpie May 22 2011, 15:46:42 UTC


dotfic May 22 2011, 16:00:32 UTC
Or I could've just said that. *G*


august_monsoon May 22 2011, 16:00:37 UTC

f S7 informs me that Dean gives up on Castiel and Dean doesn't keep trying and trying to save him, if he doesn't yell and fight and look for a solution and refuse to give up, if Castiel isn't still in there and isn't found worthy of redemption, I will call bullshit. I won't be able to believe it, it's just not in me. I will be looking at my TV screen with my head tilted to the side and a very funny expression on my face with my nose all wrinkled up as I try to figure out what is this what-the-fuckery the show is trying to tell me.



august_monsoon May 22 2011, 16:30:04 UTC
Whatever my misgiving about Season 6, I will always love it for being the most ship affriming thig EVER. Your dialogue with Show is CORRECT. :D

That being said, I'm really excited for Season 7, Godstiel has infinite possibilities and I can't see how they can have Cas be alive and redeem him, especially after all this.

On a completely different note: White Collar will be upon us soon!! \o/


dotfic May 22 2011, 16:59:13 UTC
Beyond what I ever thought I could ever have in canon. I am poleaxed.

This Godstiel story has AMAZING EPIC POTENTIAL with mega doses of redemption and YET EVEN MORE SHIP AFFIRMATION. Unless they $#@! it up but my brain can't even GO there. There's this big blank space where that other possibility is. Does not compute.

White Collar! Eeeee! (I've seen them filming three times already and saw Matt Bomer through the window of a moving bus!)


august_monsoon May 23 2011, 09:20:11 UTC
This Godstiel story has AMAZING EPIC POTENTIAL with mega doses of redemption and YET EVEN MORE SHIP AFFIRMATION.

THIS. Cas will have the opportunity to see that the connections he made are worth far more than ruling the universe. I have a feeling things are going to get very lonely for cas at the top before long.

I've seen them filming three times already and saw Matt Bomer through the window of a moving bus!

And this is why I should live in New York! So excited for White Collar, Jeff's been tweeting some really cool stuff about season 3 in between his tweets about how epic his fanboy love for Matt Bomer is. :D


janie_tangerine May 22 2011, 16:00:59 UTC
If S7 informs me that Dean gives up on Castiel and Dean doesn't keep trying and trying to save him, if he doesn't yell and fight and look for a solution and refuse to give up, if Castiel isn't still in there and isn't found worthy of redemption, I will call bullshit. I won't be able to believe it, it's just not in me. I will be looking at my TV screen with my head tilted to the side and a very funny expression on my face with my nose all wrinkled up as I try to figure out what is this what-the-fuckery the show is trying to tell me.Which is why I hope that S7 is about Dean NOT giving up on Castiel. Because seriously if S7 is Dean-tries-to-look-for-a-solution-and-doesn't-give-up-on-Cas I'll love it forever. I'd really love to see them going that way. SO DAMN MUCH. It'd be amazing. And while I'm not really sure about how much I buy that god!Cas happened (mostly it was too out of the blue and 6x20 hinted that it could happen, fine, but not strongly enough imo - idk it felt a bit like OMG SHOCK VALUE), but it was a possibility and if they ( ... )


dotfic May 22 2011, 17:24:32 UTC
I can see how this could seem like out of left field shock value. It didn't ping me that way, but I get it. It is shocking, but I'm not feeling as if it was a feeble attempt to be shocking, and in S6 the show about lost me and made me feel that they couldn't shock me any more ( ... )


abrakadabrah May 22 2011, 21:33:32 UTC
It means maybe Castiel has changed his mind about Sam -- maybe decided that Sam's battered soul was strong enough that he didn't need the wall. That he was WRONG about warning Dean not to put the soul back in.

Sorry to break in here - but I've been assuming that Sam's ability to piece himself back together so successfully is not going to last - and that will be one of the new themes next year, along with rehabilitating Cas. The way PTSD symptoms are often delayed past a battle during which the person pulls himself together, and then hit later on. Otherwise, several episodes worth of warning about Sam not going to last will if he gets his hell memories back will sure look silly in retrospect.


dotfic May 25 2011, 12:25:28 UTC
It does look like it'll take time. Sam was able to regain consciousness, and walk (and drive) and keep going through those flashes, IDK. The sequences inside his head imply that he's overcome this past the critical point, while he'll keep having flashes, maybe he won't pass out?

And look who said it would destroy Sam -- Castiel is an extremely unreliable narrator on this. He intended to save Sam and made a mistake, Sam's soul got left behind, and Castiel's carrying the guilt of that. Overcompensating by overprotecting? Which makes Castiel knocking down Sam's wall all the more a sign of how far Castiel has gone over the line now.

But I think the point is Sam's sense of self>>>>>>>>hell memories.


meesasometimes May 22 2011, 16:24:25 UTC
lol forever at your Dean/Cas show dialogue rant.
Mine's more like this....
Me: Dean/Cas? Really? WTF?
Fandom: It's so obvious.
Me: *squeezes eyes shut* I don't see it at all!
Fandom: Open your eyes girl!!! Or here..read this fic...we'll spell it out for you.
Me: *Looks with one eye* Maybe? IDK...
Fandom: You've got to be kidding us with this right? RU blind?
*The end of S6 crashes upon me like a giant Dean/Cas tsunami*
Me: Holy Crap..what was wrong with me? Where have I been? How could I deny it for so long.( The land of denial was tropical and there were pool boys, it was hard to leave. )
Me: I have some serious Dean/Cas catching up to do!


dotfic May 22 2011, 17:32:25 UTC
LOL. A couple of people mentioned after 6.20 finally seeing where it comes from.

Whereas to me it's been a giant POLKA-DOTTED ELEPHANT since Castiel showed up, only the elephant was kind of coy at first and had chameleon-like qualities of invisibility and only spoke subtext and now it's tap dancing on the table holding up signs saying DEAN ♥ CASTIEL and CASTIEL ♥ DEAN.

Have fun catching up! :D


writingpathways May 22 2011, 16:33:24 UTC
I will be really shocked if Dean despite his hurt and his anger -- and face it he's going to be darn right pissy at Cas. Doesn't really when it comes down it want to save Cas from himself.

I expect it and I will have faith that it will happen until proven wrong and I highly doubt I will be.

Everything leading up to Castiel's fall into becoming this God was so Dean/Cas centric I can't see how in dealing with it they can ignore that aspect, that connection in going forward in dealing with it. And I doubt that Cas will be a Big Bad in any classic sense.

Technical really, SPN has only had 3 big bads in any classic sense over the 6 seasons. Azazel, Zachariah and Crowley -- I don't even count Lucifer. LOL.


dotfic May 22 2011, 17:44:01 UTC
Well, if he does give up on Cas it means I have read EVERY SIGNAL THE SHOW IS BROADCASTING AT HIGH VOLUME COMPLETELY WRONG ( ... )


writingpathways May 23 2011, 15:30:10 UTC
Heh, I like that purgatory souls as red kryptonite.

I really doubt Dean will give up on Cas, it wouldn't ring true, especially as we watched the downfall of everything through the lens of Dean and Castiel. Dean's hurt and angry and he tends to shut down -- and Cas did cross some lines. But I just can't see Dean turning his back on him completely, not trying to reach through. I'm pretty sure somehow someway Cas will back as a part of the family, will get redemption by the end of the season.

And I'm thinking we'll get a lot of angst conversations, rather than out and out fights from them.


bruinsfan May 25 2011, 02:40:35 UTC
Everything leading up to Castiel's fall into becoming this God was so Dean/Cas centric I can't see how in dealing with it they can ignore that aspect, that connection in going forward in dealing with it. And I doubt that Cas will be a Big Bad in any classic sense.

Really, from just a logistical perspective I can't see how they can do anything but have Dean & Cas' relationship be in the spotlight. I've heard people (inlcuding Dean) tout how the Winchesters have beaten such overwhelming opponents in the past, but in every case since the beginning of Season 3 they've survived to do so because of how much their opponents needed them. Cas can't be a flat-out enemy who wants to ruthlessly destroy them next year, or he'd just squash them like bugs in an instant. Whether he ends up being talked down from the ledge or goes the over-the-top villainous/meltdown route, it's going to be all about his reaction to Dean.


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