Band of Brothers

Jan 05, 2010 08:32

I've seen all ten episodes. It's heartbreaking and traumatic and beautifully filmed and the actors are all so good, including the people in the background, and I'm not sure yet what to do with it.

So, if you want, babble at me about it in the comments, and give me recs, anything you think I should see, including fic, self recs are fine.

band of brothers, flaaaaillllll

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Comments 23

newredshoes January 5 2010, 14:53:14 UTC
Isn't it? Isn't it just? Oh my god.

Here are my recs, mostly gen. My stuff, including drabbles, is here (almost entirely BoB) and here (from 2008; BoB stuff toward the ends of the lists). If you want to join communities, I'd go for aldbournewhores (news and fanworks both) and bobicons, and if you're looking for slash, camp_toccoa. For fanart, there's inkontherisers, which has some great stuff every so often. I'm also hoping to get some movement on notbadforactors again, but that's... not entirely likely, alas.

And also, HOMG. No words, right?


dotfic January 7 2010, 00:32:53 UTC
So, so good. I don't even know how to discuss it yet and could go on and on about the storytelling and the cinematography and how they had that many characters, yet they all felt real and did so much with them with not that much screentime per character.

I'm really looking forward to going back through your BoB posts, now that I know what all the flailing is about.


cxw1065 January 5 2010, 17:50:38 UTC
BoB is one of the best series ever made. It managed to combine the perfect casting with perfect direction, cinematography and 'look'. It turned a good book about an amazing group of people into a must see historical document. I can never see those actors again without flashing back to their BoB roles, and that's an amazing legacy considering what other wonderful shows these guys have been in ( ... )


cxw1065 January 5 2010, 18:49:44 UTC
sorry, was typing on phone-- meant to be "snogging and full frontals" rather than sniffing


dotfic January 7 2010, 00:38:17 UTC
Damian Lewis is amazing. I saw him in Life first, and thought he was wonderful in that, and then seeing this, well, I had NO IDEA.

They were all really good, all the actors, even the extras. They all seemed to give a lot to it and immerse and believe in the story they were telling and I love how it was filmed.

I admit the Nixon/Winters owns me now. It's hard to resist. Even without a slash lens, their friendship is this thread of comfort that runs through the horror, it's just a joy to watch those two actors.


My to be read pile is alarming already, but I will be checking out the books.

I watched the Pacific trailers -- it looks good so far, it didn't seem like there was that much sex. I'm also struck that The Pacific seems to have a larger female presence than BoB. BoB did a great job with the glimpses of the female characters it has, but I'm very curious of the role of women in the World Wars and am looking forward to seeing that maybe explored in The Pacific.


vee_fic January 6 2010, 01:14:28 UTC
The best part of the whole series is going back through and picking out the (mostly British) people who are now famous but were not at the time. James MacAvoy gets about a milisecond in episode #3, and Apollo from BSG shows up in the middle somewhere (I think he survives to the end). The dude who played the John Simm character in the (shitty) American Life on Mars remake was in the 2nd episode.

Various "Americans" turning up with their real accents in Beeb projects a year or so later was hilarious to me. (Soames Forsyte not least, but I think the shy freckly South Side Philadelphia kid turning out Glaswegian was the best.)

I think you should see The Big Red One, a WWII picture made in 1980 by the singular Sammy Fuller. For one thing, he actually fought in that regiment, enlisting in the infantry at age 31 and storming Normandy 3 years later; for another, it's recently been restored and had a good run at a couple of art houses in Your Fair City. (Fuller's a sentimenal filmmaker, but he's got a direct, queasy way of putting one in the ( ... )


dotfic January 7 2010, 00:40:35 UTC
Ah, so that was Apollo! I thought so.

Thank you for the movie rec, I'll check that out (it's on Netflix).


todayiamrhonda January 6 2010, 04:08:40 UTC
I watched the series a few years ago when I bought the series on DVD and absolutely loved it. It's funny though that you made this post today because on Sunday night my husband turned on the tv to the History channel and a documentary on Easy Company was on. I watched the whole thing and was again reminded how much I loved this series. Will have to watch again really soon!


dotfic January 7 2010, 00:42:02 UTC
Isn't it amazing? I've been going around for days now asking people if they've seen it (mostly they have, but they remember it vaguely) and then I start telling them how INCREDIBLE it is.

I'm looking forward to the follow-up they're doing, The Pacific. From the trailers, it looks pretty intense.


inmyriadbits January 8 2010, 18:46:55 UTC
Band of Brothers is next up to watch for thespatz and I, so I can't comment on the show yet, but it's encouraging that you liked it so much! I've only heard good things.

We just saw Generation Kill, another HBO miniseries which -- as far as I can tell -- is sort of like the Iraq invasion equivalent of BoB. It's based on a book written by a journalist embedded with a battalion of Recon Marines during the invasion, and it totally stole my heart. If you're looking for something similar to watch next, I highly recommend it. (Plus, it has an amazingly productive fic community for a miniseries fandom. :D)


dotfic January 13 2010, 01:01:17 UTC
You have seen BoB by now, yes? YES?

I think I need to add Generation Kill to my netflix queue. Also I've added The Hurt Locker, which I hear is really good.


inmyriadbits January 18 2010, 08:00:59 UTC
Not yet! We're working on getting a hold of it, but it's been slow going for various reasons. *le sigh*

GK is MADE OF WIN. I haven't really been posting about it, but that's mostly because I'm afraid of being incoherent with joy all over my flist, making posts that consist of flailing and "NATE! BRAD! LOL RAY!" etc (and there are 22ish characters in the ensemble, so, that's a lot of caps-locking). Not that this stopped Katie and I from reading all the fic ever, or from spending the entire 15-hour drive from Atlanta to Austin making GK-related jokes, because the miniseries is essentially the most bizarre, potty-mouthed, heavily armed family in the world on the most fucked-up roadtrip of all time. So it was appropriate. :)


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