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Comments 6

anniehow November 17 2009, 14:39:16 UTC
Ha! Archiving your own fics on delicious is nifty. For some reason it never even occurred to me you can do that (d'oh).

Wasn't Merlin just ♥ ♥ ♥?

Yes to all you said, though I'll add that my favourite scene was Arthur & Merlin sitting in front of the fire and swapping absent parents stories.

(ehehehe, when Arthur stalked up to Uther, all ready to kill him, I said "why hallo there, daddy issues! I do believe we didn't have enough of you on this show for contemporary standards!" out loud. Fortunately, I watch in private ;-P)


dotfic November 17 2009, 22:20:02 UTC
It is nifty, and a lot easier to keep track of what I've done and find stuff. In part I wanted a reference for myself -- so how much gen/how many of THAT pairing/how many longfics have I written anyway?

Oh yes! The fire scene was put there just to make us happy.

During the first season, when I realized Arthur was going to have major daddy issues, I had this moment of oh crap I'm doooomed.


taraljc November 17 2009, 18:55:42 UTC
He didn't lie, tho. Arthur told Merlin his mother died before Arthur ever opened his eyes. Morgause's vision of Igraine said she remembered Arthur' looking up at her and her gazing into her son's eyes.

There's no reason to have that line there if it wasn't to signal (I had assumed to Merlin but in thee end it was just to US) that Morgause was manipulating Arthur.


dotfic November 17 2009, 22:23:31 UTC
You're right, it's more complex than I put it. Because Morgause was manipulating Arthur and did conjure the Igraine vision so what Merlin did was tell a truth that allowed a lie to perpetuate.

I am so curious what was going on in Uther's head at the end. I don't think he suspects Merlin at all but...Uther knows the bargain he made and we know he feels guilt about Igraine's death. Merlin (knowingly) allowed him to dodge (knowingly) facing up to any of it with Arthur, but unknowing that Merlin knows the story of Arthur's birth.


astri13 November 17 2009, 19:44:28 UTC
Merlin was made of win this week. askjdlajl;ajkfka;jlsa how fantastic was that? Bradley James and Tony Head were brilliant and while I suspect it's Tony raises the level of Bradley James's game, you could see Bradley pulling new levels from Tony Head.

Oh my, that whole scene. When Arhur issued the challenge, his eyes shimmered with tears and Uther, king of denial. And then Merlin coming in and unknowingly fuck it up for every magic-user, most notably himself, all out of love for Arthur. Poor boys.

And worse, before magic wasn't really personal for Arthur, he never had a beef with it like Uther. Now, though, he has. And Merlin has aided in that. It will be thrice as hard for Arthur to give a second chance after the first one blew in his face (or he thinks it did).

And that last scene with Merlin and Uther is chilling because you know Uther knows but he doesn't know that Merlin knows, he just knows he dodged that bullet somehow. Is he wondering how he dodged that bullet? Thanking Merlin for his help in the fight against magic. * ( ... )


dotfic November 17 2009, 22:27:43 UTC
Boys! Colin's FACE there, when he tells Arthur he was being manipulated. He couldn't stand to let Arthur do that even though by stepping up he knew it would draw Arthur into his father's views on magic.

It's kind of brilliant how they ratcheted up the stakes now. They've been drawing out keeping Arthur from finding out the truth about Merlin, but things have moved forward because now Merlin's secret has even more weight and unhappiness.

Perceptiveness is not Uther's strong suit. *G*


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