Merlin was made of win this week.
askjdlajl;ajkfka;jlsa how fantastic was that? Bradley James and Tony Head were brilliant and while I suspect it's Tony raises the level of Bradley James's game, you could see Bradley pulling new levels from Tony Head. I love watching actors bring it out in each other. Sometimes I get goosebumpy just seeing how actors do their work together, while that awareness doesn't suspend my disbelief at all. It's weird. Colin Morgan was completely HEARTBREAKING.
This is where I just want to capslock because HOW MUCH DOES MERLIN LOVE ARTHUR? Merlin was looking at the point before everything would turn -- Uther exposed, an end to the reign of hate against magic, all of it, and he *lied* not just because it was the right thing to do to prevent a son from killing his father, or because of destiny or the good of Camelot (if anything, it's closer to Arthur's destiny if Uther is dead) but because if Arthur killed Uther, Arthur would be LOST. He wouldn't be *Arthur* any more, and now Arthur is going to hate those who do magic even more and OH MY HEART. While Uther's anguish is completely sincere, Arthur is his life and soul.
Plus there was some actual subtlety going on with Morgana, and a kickass female character.
And that last scene with Merlin and Uther is chilling because you know Uther knows but he doesn't know that Merlin knows, he just knows he dodged that bullet somehow. Is he wondering how he dodged that bullet? Thanking Merlin for his help in the fight against magic. *twitches*
Uther, you magnificent bastard.
In different news, instead of a sticky post index for my fic, I've organized it on delicious: (
Oct fic round up).
You can use the tags to sort by fandom or genre or character or pairing. The SPN fic, because there's so much of it, also has tags like
spn:preseries or spn:EPISODETITLE for the codas or things like
spn:recoilverse if it's part of a series or 'verse. The SPN drabbles are still indexed
here although I will probably archive them at delicious eventually.
Let me know if anything looks funky. If you're on delicious, if you want, feel free to watch that account, I'll be bookmarking new fic as I post it. That archive isn't all the fanfic I've ever done, but it represents the fanfic from my LJ life, 2005-onward, all fandoms. is still for recs.