
Aug 09, 2012 01:10

I feel like I should have things to talk about, which I don't really. But I made kimchi and we had Korean tacos tonight, and they were so good, so that was awesome. And I got tomatillos and a bunch of peppers from the farmer's market today, so I'm making enchiladas verdes tomorrow, and that's going to be awesome also ( Read more... )

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dosidella August 10 2012, 19:54:51 UTC
I always say I'm going to, but I end up not actually doing anything. I finally started, but didn't get very far, either. It does seem like a slow process, yeah. Some of them I haven't even talked to in 10+ years, so it really shouldn't be such a big deal. I don't feel like I can delete family because I don't want it to turn into some huge fight, but I can at least set it so I don't have to read their posts and save myself some rage.


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