(no subject)

Aug 09, 2012 01:10

I feel like I should have things to talk about, which I don't really. But I made kimchi and we had Korean tacos tonight, and they were so good, so that was awesome. And I got tomatillos and a bunch of peppers from the farmer's market today, so I'm making enchiladas verdes tomorrow, and that's going to be awesome also.

Also, I realized that I had gotten totally lazy and comfortable in my workout routine, so I changed it up starting like a week ago, and now I am sore all the time, but in a good way. I already feel like my energy level's increased; I'm happy about that.

I have been thinking about figuring out how/if I can go back to school. It's frustrating because I finally feel like I have a clear idea of what I want to do (for now, at least), but it seems so out of reach, both because of financial stuff and because of anxiety stuff. (I want to volunteer, which is somewhat related, but my top three choices all want me to email them or call -- as opposed to filling out a form and having them get in touch -- so I'm still working up the nerve, I guess. My other choice, tutoring adults in reading/ESL/etc., now requires that you have a bachelor's degree, so that's out.) Regardless, I signed up with the one university I'm considering to fill out an application. I did the math, and I think my overall GPA is still above what they want, even despite all the Fs. I haven't submitted anything yet, but I guess I filled out my contact info, because they keep sending me stuff, both email and by post. Like, I don't even know if this is doable, give me some time to think it ooooover! I suppose I could just fill out the application and go from there, but I really don't want to waste money sending my transcripts if it's not going to work. I don't know. But I definitely need to do something.

In other news, reading my FB feed is more painful and less productive than banging my head against a wall. I need to either remember that or go on a deleting/blocking spree, like I've been meaning to do for a while. Other than a handful of people, I just want everyone to shut the hell up. I'm really cranky, I admit, but some of them are pretty horrible.
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