Aug 15, 2014 15:37
- Thu, 15:28: I've discovered a new beverage. Calls itself royal, though, whatever that means. What the hell is a Power King?
- Thu, 15:28: Honestly, I don't care. Tastes like heaven and hell together; love it.
- Thu, 15:32: // Bofur. Be nice.
- Thu, 15:36: Oh yes, really charming.
Aug 14, 2014 15:55
- Wed, 20:22: Spews out ridiculously last minute concocted lies and excuses that nobody will believe - because nobody else does #boss
- Wed, 20:25: It's uh... been a... while. Days. ...Weeks? Months, definitely months. In summation. Hello.
- Wed, 20:33: ....Alright, that's just- WHO STOLE MY CHIPS?
- Wed, 20:38: Oh, look at that, new followers. I'
( Read more... )
Feb 14, 2014 16:16
- Fri, 14:19: What.
- Fri, 14:22: Mun's currently overwhelmed because she can't seem ta' keep 'erself from liking a boy at that... intern-what's it's name again- thing?
- Fri, 14:24: // Internship at the radiology department. And it's a guy! 25. Currently mentoring me. He's... perfect. ...And married.