Title: Sensation
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Bleach
Characters: Kenpachi, Yachiru
Prompt: 12. Mist
Word Count: 218
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes he just likes to feel things.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite I am not, therefore, I do not own.
Kenpachi stood perfectly still in the mist, eyes closed. He could feel the dampness of the air on his skin, more so than the constant nip and nibble of his eyepatch. He hand long since grown used to the feel of the thing devouring his energy, so much that he only seemed to really notice it when the patch came off.
He felt the faintest tug of cloth against his back as Yachiru climbed up onto his shoulder. She smelled faintly of some sweet she had devoured recently, and her hand was slightly sticky when it touched the back of his neck. She was as light as a bit of fluff on his shoulder, and he found her slight weight oddly comforting. The mist grew thicker, solid drops of water forming on the leaves of a near by tree and dripping off. Kenpachi felt one of the drops hit his forehead and roll down to his chin, leaving a cool trail behind. He shook the drop off, making the bells in his chair chime, and moved on.