Title: Fireball
dorksidefikerFandom: That Damn Mpreg
Table/Prompt: Table 4/19. Belch
Character/Pairing: Sean Ford, Eric Ford, Angel Starsmore
Rating: PG
Word Count: 209
Summary: In which Angel demonstrates an aspect of her powers, much to the delight of the Ford twins.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Mine! Another
That Damn Mpreg tale.
Moving as one, Sean and Eric Ford leaned closer to Angel Starsmore. “Do that again!”
Angel cocked an eyebrow at the twins, opened her mouth, and belched out another gout of flame. Both boys flinched back, with Sean narrowly avoiding having his eyebrows singed off.
“That,” Sean said reverently, “is the coolest thing ever.”
Angel shrugged her shoulders and let her hair fall back over her face. “Eh.”
“No, really!”
“I still won’t go out with you, Sean.”
Eric snorted with laughter, and Sean failed horribly at looking innocent as he protested that he wasn’t trying to butter her up, really. Angel made it abundantly clear that she didn’t date her teammates, for that way lay madness and explosions, and that she was really just not interested, by pointing out that she could, in fact, set his hair on fire if he didn’t knock it off.
Which only made Sean more interested, of course.