Title: Building a House: the Anole Chronicles part 5: A Little Bit of Home
fullmetal_cuteFandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor, Julian, Billy
Prompt: Table 2/44. Christmas
Word Count: 201
Rating: PG
Summary: Victor’s worried about how Julian keeps getting in to places.
Warnings: Could be seen as slashy.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Another
Building a House fic.
The tiny Christmas tree caught Victor by surprise. Little lights twinkled, flashing on and off as he watched. “Where the hell-?”
“Merry Christmas,” Julian whispered, his lips by Victor’s ear. “Ho ho ho.”
“How did you get into my room?” Victor asked. “Really, how? It’s a security breach.”
Julian herded Victor into the room. “Christmas first, work later. We’re off duty, it’s Christmas, and you have presents to open.”
“I’m tired, Julian, and I-”
“It’s just a little taste of home, Vic. It won’t kill you.”
Victor put a hand on Julian’s chest and started backing him out, only to have his way blocked by Prince Consort William, who smiled. “Oh good, I’m not late.” He held up a bottle of wine. “Happy Hanukah.”
“Where are Espinosa and Starsmore?”
“Carrying the presents,” William said with a wave of his hand.