Title: Team Photo
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Prompt: 10-A/6. Picture
Character/Pairing: Brian, Sooraya, Jay, Santo, Julian, Cessily
Rating: G
Word Count: 158
Summary: Brian just wants to get a photo of the team.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Takes place before Jay and Kevin switch teams.
“Okay, scoot closer together,” Brian instructed, waving his hand in the general direction of his teammates. “You too, Sooraya! Jay, spread your wings a bit. Santo, stop making like you’re gonna eat Cess - Julian stop playing with the tripod!”
“Stop fooling around and take then damn picture, then!” Julian snapped.
Jay let his wings fall back to a more comfortable position while Brian and Julian squabbled, and leaned a little towards Sooraya, who continued to hover outside the little group. “I don’t bite, honest,” he murmured.
“I’m - I--”
“Just relax.” He smiled at her. “This’ll all be over before you know it… if those two ever stop arguing.”