Title: American Dream
fullmetal_cuteFandom: Young Avengers
Prompt: 30-A/3. Funeral
Character/Pairing: Tommy Shepard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: It’s the death of a dream.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Tommy didn’t go to Captain America’s funeral, but he watched it on TV at a truck stop somewhere in Mexico. The whole place was filled with a solemn silence as the flag draped coffin was lowered into the ground.
Tommy felt disgust rising in him as people at the funeral began to eulogize the fallen super-soldier, and he barely kept himself from blowing up the TV when Tony Stark came on.
He’d barely known Captain America, but the impression he had gotten was of an okay guy under way too much stress. A bit stiff, but okay.
And he deserved better than to be eulogized by the asshole who’d betrayed him and gotten him killed.