Title: Softly, Sweetly
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Prompt: 10-A/7. Gentle
Character/Pairing: Jay GuthriexSooraya Qadir
Rating: G
Word Count: 123
Summary: Jay’s voice is gentle.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Jay’s voice was always gentle when he spoke to Sooraya. He kept his words soft, as if he was afraid that he’d frighten her off if he spoke too sharply.
As she was constantly surrounded by Julian, Noriko, and Santo - who were nothing but constant noise - Sooraya appreciated the quiet oasis Jay represented.
His music wasn’t the hard, crashing cacophony of Nori’s CDs. It was something softer and sweeter, like wind rustling the canvas of a tent, tugging playfully at the him of an abaya. She found it infinitely preferable.