Untitled Young Avengers AU part 8: Secrets and Lies

Jun 11, 2007 16:03

Title: Untitled Young Avengers AU part 8: Secrets and Lies
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: The YA cast plus a few Avengers, and Sarah Altman
Prompt: 58. Enemies
Word Count: 445
Rating: PG

A hard leather ball bounced off Billy’s head, drawing his attention to Hawkeye. “Keep your head in the game, Billy. If that had been a real threat, you would have lost your head.”

“Sorry,” Billy muttered, rubbing the spot the ball had hit. He thought he saw Teddy watching him, but the shape shifter turned away before he could be sure. He swore as another ball, thrown by Kate, bounced off his shoulder. “Ow! God, I get it already!”

He was so busy defending himself against ‘Pelt Billy with Balls Day’ that he didn’t notice his father leave.


“He’s here. All my sensors have been going insane. I’m sure he’s come for Teddy.”

[Perhaps now would be the time to make Theodore aware of his heritage.]

“… tonight. Later. But not just now.”

[For now, we are quite happy to accommodate you both while the Super-Skrull is dealt with.]


“What’s going on?” Billy asked his mother as she had him haul fresh linens from the closet. Normally, this would be a job for Jarvis, but the formidable butler was busy seeing to dinner.

“The Altmans are staying here for a few days,” Wanda said, piling a comforter on top of the other bed sheets in Billy’s arms. “Run these up to the guest room, sweetheart, and be sure to open the windows.”

“What? Why?” Billy asked, nearly dropping the linens.

“Because the guest room hasn’t been opened in forever, and it’s bound to be musty.”

“I mean why are Teddy and his mom staying here?”

Wanda arched an eyebrow at her son. “Why not ask them?” she said, watching the blush climb up her son’s face. “You’re not going to be able to avoid Teddy forever. You might as well deal with it before it has the chance to fester.

“Yes’m.” Billy said just before the alarms went off. “What the-?”

“Safe room, William!” Wanda said quickly, running for the war room.

Billy started to argue, to point out that he could help, but she was already gone.


“Mom? What’s going on?” Teddy asked over the shrill scream of the alarm. “What’s going on?”

Sarah Altman hesitated, resting a hand on Teddy’s cheek. “I promise, I’ll explain everything soon, but you’ve got to hide.”


“Please, Teddy, you need to get somewhere safe!” An explosion somewhere outside caused plaster to rain down, lightly dusting mother and son.

“… alright…”

Sarah kissed Teddy’s forehead. “No matter what, remember, I love you.”

marvel, young avengers

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