Title: Insomnia
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Victor Borkowski, Jonothon Starsmore
Prompt: 8. Awake
Word Count: 138
Rating: PG
Summary: He can’t sleep.
Author's Notes: Sequel to
Team. *continues to ignore current Marvel Canon*
It was almost 4 AM , and Victor Borkowski was wide awake. He’d memorized the ceiling of his bedroom, and the walls, and now he was inspecting the floor. He would have liked to sleep, but sleep wasn’t coming easily tonight. He got tired of the floor and turned his gaze to the window. He watched a figure flit across the lawn, heading away from the school. The figure paused, turning back towards the school, and a voice slipped into Victor’s head.
We need to talk, squire. You know where to find me.
Victor’s breath caught in his throat as Jonothon slipped into the night.