Title: Why He Isn’t A Hero
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Victor Mancha
Prompt: 26. Determined
Word Count: 280
Rating: G
Summary: So, why isn’t Victor Mancha a super-hero?
Author's Notes: Set in my
That Damn Mpreg Universe.
“This is going to take a while,” Victor Mancha informed Dexter Stein, looking from the pieces of the Iron Hide armor to the young hero, then back again. “You really did a number on it this time. I may have to take it back to L.A. ”
There was a glint in Dexter’s green eyes that Victor always found worrying. “Without you, school boy,” he added.
“Aw!” Dexter’s eyes, already magnified by his glasses, were huge. “But your lab has all sorts of cool stuff!”
Victor pulled his goggles down over his eyes. “Dex, you live in the Avengers Tower . It’s full of cool stuff.”
“But I already know all that cool stuff, and Nate and Hal keep screwing with it anyway.”
“When I was your age, I would have given my right arm to live with the Avengers.”
“So why don’t you?”
Victor paused, then pulled his goggles back up to his forehead. “Did your parents ever tell you how we met?” he asked, reaching for his tools. Dexter shook his head, and Victor sighed, pulling the goggles back down. “It’s a time travel thing,” he explained. “An alternate version of your mother warned them about a guy who infiltrated the super-hero community and killed everyone. Me.”
“But you’re not a super villain,” Dexter pointed out. “You’re a mechanic.”
“Yeah, your parents changed the future. But I’m going to make sure that I never become the thing from that other timeline. Never.”