(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 21:28

So, this could be a shot in the dark but uh, maybe I'm not the only nerdfigher in the sims community. HOLLAAAA.

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and this has nothing to do with my game, sorry.

Melody grew up and for some reason prefers Mary Katherine and Eight's bed to her own, or her dog house.

she has also decided that she wants to be adorable with Vladimir.

I feel like Mary Katherine's career may be a short one, she's pretty high up in the career track already.

while yes, Melody is adorable with the baby, she is also full of steaming hatred for Phorcys for some unknown reason.

how could you hate that face?

he even takes it upon himself to feed the kid, and then get sidetracked with his oddly shaped rubik's cube..errr, ball?

Sigrid had a want for quite a while to buy a vacation home, so even though they already had that mountain cabin that no one ever visits I gave in and bought them another house.

Maxis, why can't you put this kind of detail into all of your eyes? this little guy is cute and his eyes are pretty!

prepare yourself.

yeah, this one looks all right, doesn't he?

and this one, too!
I've decided that I might push my favorite on you guys too much, so I'm going to stop, make up your own minds about who is the most adorable, however, I don't think you'll have too much trouble after...

KILL IT WITH FIRE. I knew that Eight's nose might not translate well into the lower age groups, but never did I imagine what Mathilde would turn into!

say a prayer.

Melody is still trying to capture all of your hearts, and for some reason I think that the outfit Vlad is wearing shouldn't be a unisex outfit, the little frilly things on the pockets..the abundance of pink..

surely that won't stay with him, right guys? ...right?

this is a sim by katu_sims and right now I can't think of his name, but it might be Trent. I want him in this legacy.

I have a feeling that some of the defaults I downloaded don't work in my game.
what kind of architecture company forces their crew to wear Marilyn Manson hoodies to the job?

his LTW is so close!

Melody is often a stinky mess, just to let you know, and she also gets in the way of people trying to sleep.

Phorcys wanted to have a family reunion, so I invited people over, but it turned out that I was like one sim short of a "family reunion", drat.
the upside is that officer Fabio came over, his real name starts with an R and I can't remember it.

I've never had the too loud pop up before, but obviously this man means business.

I know I said that I was going to do a spare update, but whenever I tried to summon Stephen to a lot I couldn't find him on the list, I can call him over but I can't find him anywhere else.

another one?

my world just crumbled.

yeah, another one.

thanks for ruining your life, Phorcys, even though it was me that answered that chance card.

I stopped doing the challenges a long time ago but I figured I should pick back up with them.
let me just say that I remodeled the house BEFORE I rolled this challenge, I swear, I just photographed it after.

I couldn't get the family funds cheat to work, so I used insim to zero their money.

he stole the computer chair, little bitch.

I was getting incredibly tired of the layout of the house and how it had hardly any natural light, so I changed around the layout and in the process accidentally deleted most of the things I bought for the family heirloom challenge. fml.

at least one of my sims is doing well, this is MK maxing her charisma..I think it's her charisma, anyway.

I guess it's sweet that Sigrid still likes her failure of a husband.

I changed around the kitchen, too.
I have several stuck objects in this house, they're invisible but you can still set shit on them so it's really annoying. I downloaded the stuck object remover, I'll see if it works in a minute.

little breadwinner!

it's good someone has a decent job because we've got a lot of mouths to feed.

yeah...well, at least I tried.

-squee- I am so sick of boys, but the amount of cute that they have this gen is awesome.

yay, Eight! your nose may not be the best for the ladies, but at least you're feeding your family.

the poor hammock never gets used, so at least I could force someone to lay in it for a bit.

yeah, roughly a sim hour before she went into labor and spewed out another baby.
she was five or six hours over due.

obviously the game just wants me to beat it with a wrench.
he's named after Mikhail Baryshnikov.

her nose is a bit bigger, but obviously not much.

Alice by nekotaz walked by, she's adorable. I used her for some simsperiments that I never posted because I forgot to turned faceblendlimits off when I bred them all. blast it.

She is strong, she is invincible she is wooooomaaaan.

Embla, I know how you're feeling, there is a lot of shit going on in this legacy that I'm sure you weren't foreseeing when you started it so many years, errr, months ago.

Dido, aka this generations kids great grandmother stopped in looking as fresh as the day that she got kicked out.

I turned off faceblendlimits, I cleared the sim randomizer with the batbox before he was born, and look at him, such a clone of his dad.

even though Sigrid is trying to welcome her unaging mother in law back into the fold, Dido obviously still has some trust issues.

Next time there is a wedding, birth, death and lots of birthdays.
I've played a bit ahead, but I've had trouble with my photoshop the last few days, I got it fixed yesterday though, so another update should come soon.
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